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Elo boosting and coaching services. EXPERIENCED PLAYER

Discussion on Elo boosting and coaching services. EXPERIENCED PLAYER within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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Elo boosting and coaching services. EXPERIENCED PLAYER

Hello everyone, I am a Diamond I player in the NA server, I’m offering elo boosting on NA only and coaching on NA, LAN, LAS, BR, EUW. Here is my information:
I have a lot of experience boosting since I have been doing this for a few months and I work for a boosting site as well, I can provide proofs on skype for you to know that this is 100% safe.
Regarding boosting:
1.- I can boost from any tier/division to any tier/division (from Bronze V to Diamond I)
2.- You can set a schedule for me to play on your account. (It takes me from 1-2 weeks to boost an entire tier (For example: Bronze V-Silver V, Silver V-Gold V, etc…)
3.- I will not talk/answer to anyone on your friend list, I will only talk with teammates for in-game reasons.
4.- I will not spend any ip/rp you have on your account (Not even the ip I earn)
5.- Payments will be made through Paypal and we can split payments, here is an example:
60 USA dollars for boosting from Bronze V – Silver V:
$10 for me to begin, $10 every time I raise a division (B IV, B III, B II. B I and SV) (This is just an example)
6.- I charge cheaper than any website, I’m 100% secure, you could add my main account or check my coaching page (Because like I said I work for a website too so I have a coaching page) to show you I’m legit.
7.- You will be able to spectate games and talk to me after a game finishes for you to ask me questions. I will answer all your questions.
8.- Price is negotiable, we can talk about it on skype.
9.- Server availability: NA only.
10.- I’m open to anything so let me know if you have any specific request.

Regarding coaching:
1.- I will link you my coaching page on skype for you to see what I offer and the price. A normal lesson could include: duo ranked, me spectating your games, you spectating my games, watching a replay, custom games, being on a skype call 100% of the time for you to talk with me and ask me anything
2.- I offer coaching in 2 languages: English and Spanish.
3.- Payment is made through Paypal BEFORE the lesson starts, you can set up the schedule you would prefer.
4.- Server availability: NA, LAN, LAS, BR
5.- I’m open to any specific request.
As you can tell I’m a very serious player, If you are interested on any of my services feel free to add me on skype, I will happily answer all your questions.

Contact info:
Skype: omarsito01
Elo.boost is offline  

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