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Elo boosting/coaching services. EXPERIENCED Diamond I player.

Discussion on Elo boosting/coaching services. EXPERIENCED Diamond I player. within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

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Elo boosting/coaching services. EXPERIENCED Diamond I player.

Hello everyone, I am a Diamond I player in the NA server, I’m offering elo boosting/coaching services on NA, LAN, LAS, BR. Here is my information:
I have a lot of experience boosting since I have been doing this for a few months and I work for a boosting site as well, I can provide proofs on skype for you to know that this is 100% safe.

Regarding boosting:
1.- I can boost from any tier/division to any tier/division (from Bronze V to Diamond I)
2.- You can set a schedule for me to play on your account. (It takes me from 1-2 weeks to boost an entire tier (For example: Bronze V-Silver V, Silver V-Gold V, etc…)
3.- I will not talk/answer to anyone on your friend list, I will only talk with teammates for in-game reasons.
4.- I will not spend any ip/rp you have on your account (Not even the ip I earn)
5.- Payments will be made through Paypal and we can split payments, here is an example:
60 USA dollars for boosting from Bronze V – Silver V:
$10 for me to begin, $10 every time I raise a division (B IV, B III, B II. B I and SV) (This is just an example)
6.- I charge cheaper than any website, I’m 100% secure, you could add my main account or check my coaching page (Because like I said I work for a website too so I have a coaching page) to show you I’m legit.
7.- You will be able to spectate games and talk to me after a game finishes for you to ask me questions. I will answer all your questions.
8.- Price is negotiable, we can talk about it on skype.
9.- Server availability: NA, LAN, LAS, BR
10.- I’m open to anything so let me know if you have any specific request.

Regarding coaching:
1.- I will link you my coaching page on skype for you to see what I offer and the price. A normal lesson could include: duo ranked, me spectating your games, you spectating my games, watching a replay, custom games, being on a skype call 100% of the time for you to talk with me and ask me anything
2.- I offer coaching in 2 languages: English and Spanish.
3.- Payment is made through Paypal BEFORE the lesson starts, you can set up the schedule you would prefer.
4.- Server availability: NA, LAN, LAS, BR
5.- I’m open to any specific request.
As you can tell I’m a very serious player, If you are interested on any of my services feel free to add me on skype, I will happily answer all your questions.

Contact info:
Skype: omarsito01
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Old 06/11/2013, 05:27   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Ill do one duo game as you as a vouch if you want,

skype; kevin350sts
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Old 03/30/2014, 15:10   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Old 06/10/2014, 12:35   #4 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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Hey if u need a bouch contact me
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