There is not official hero Hacks and Bugs thread so i decided to make one!
Well there are several tools that can help you Cheat in hero online!
Cheat Engine - U can use it as speed hack
With cheat engine x20 speed u can spam in Lions Roar without CoolDown
WPE PRO - U can send packs from database to client and from client to database also u can filter information! (Im still trying to find some use to hero)
Hex Workshop - It's reading some files from the game folder but i dont know how to use it atm!
Goats KO TBL Editor : U can modify the .tbl files in Game folder
Located at C:\Netgame\HeroPlus\data
WARNING : Before u edit anything with tbl editor please Copy the Data folder. or u will have to reinstall the game if u mess up with tbl files!
This Tbl editor im testing atm, but no success! so far.
Anyways i just told u the tools i know if u know how to use some of them with success on hero please share with us!
WIRESHARK : Can be used for recording the sended and receved packets (Information) from Clien (Hero Online) TO Database (Hero Online) Also The opposite from Database to the Client!