416 base hp
80 str
84 vit
60 dex
100 quick
80 int
72 wis
all magic schools 100
earth (75+ intensify) , fire (75+ intensify)
surging: fireball, inferno, magmastorm, corrosive blast, disintegrate
rays: pungent mist 80, impale 85, dragonbreath 80.
begone, stormblast, wof, transfers at 80+
spell reflect, toxic rain, most debuffs 75+
100 archmage
98 reagent conservation
100 greatsword mastery
63 greataxe mastery
30 sword mastery
100 all archery skills
100 ingore pain, all racial skills and whatever 100
loads of rare ores, infernal armor, r60/70 weapons, regs, speed mounts, enchant mats.
bank probably values 1 million gold cash + named stuff
price about 350€