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MxO Powerleveling Exploit!

Discussion on MxO Powerleveling Exploit! within the General Gaming Discussion forum part of the General Gaming category.

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elite*gold: 20
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 700
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OK... many people have been wondering how in the hell are there lvl 50 people running around after a week of the game being up! Many of you have heard of an exploit where each mission can be spawned in the same building, requireig no running around and quick xp. Well here are the details!!

First off to really take advantage of this exploit you need to be prepared. First get a mission team togethar, Make sure at least 2 people are considerably higher than the other players, one of the high levels should be a character with invisibility, lock picks and download mission map.. THis is extremely important!! This way one person know exactly where to go, can run pass npcs and pick doors instead of killing mobs for the access key. The higher level people will also jack up the xp a bit as well as blow thru the missions faster. The other should either be a tank or a healer, as the inflitrator can sometimes get caught when accessing mainframe etc.

Now missions spawn depending on your lvl... if you are a low lvl char 1-10 most of your missions are in mara area. When you get to low teens your missions are "over the bridge" in the stamos section. There are only a handful of buildings that all missions are run in, depending on your level and which hardline you jacked in with.

To powerlevel up as a 11-20 go to Stamos SC HL. Procede to the building -312 -295 and go into the elevator, go to floor 2.

The person selecting the missions must be inbetween the lvls I have above. Higher lvl group members will still recieve good xp even tho a lower lvl person is selecting the missions as the game will average out both the npc mob levels and the xp according to the lvls of the players.

OPen the mission selection and make sure it is on tiny and hard, and pick only inflitration missions. Keep cycling thru missions until you get one with a distance of under 10m, thats right 10m. There have been a couple of occasions where I could not get the right mission to spawn. IF you do not get the right distance in about 5min, switch grp leader to another person around the same lvl. Once you finally get the right mission, every few missions will be in the same building. sometimes even many in a row.

Now all you have to do is have the inflitrator run thru the mission, while you mearly step off the elevator and then get back on to make sure you cross each waypoint. I have personally gone from lvl 14-19 in one day in a matter of a few hrs in the exact location mentioned above. It does work in other buildings, the key is to pick the right building according to your lvl.
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