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whats the best programming language to learn?
Discussion on whats the best programming language to learn? within the General Coding forum part of the Coders Den category.
05/04/2010, 11:45
elite*gold: 0
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whats the best programming language to learn?
Im going to learn a programming language but dont know whats better java or c#  ill be using it to create hacks, bots and maby create a game.
05/04/2010, 12:45
elite*gold: 1
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I think, Java is better because
C# is a NET Language and very bad for Hacks and Co.
05/04/2010, 12:59
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by General Desert
I think, Java is better because
C# is a NET Language and very bad for Hacks and Co.
thx  so java it is
05/04/2010, 13:24
elite*gold: 0
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Bots and Games = C#
For Hacks i would not use Java, C++ it would be much better.
05/04/2010, 15:02
elite*gold: 0
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Does C# and c++ have anything in common?
05/04/2010, 15:26
elite*gold: 0
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C++ is really good one but if you are gonna work through online games learn C#.
Get Visual Studio 2008 and get an ebook about it.
05/04/2010, 15:42
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by manqueller2
C++ is really good one but if you are gonna work through online games learn C#.
Get Visual Studio 2008 and get an ebook about it.
Yeah my main aim was for online games. Ill make some detailed research about these languages. Probably ill learn C# and hopefully greate some sort of a game someday. Thx all
05/04/2010, 16:36
elite*gold: 7110
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Originally Posted by General Desert
I think, Java is better because
C# is a NET Language and very bad for Hacks and Co.
wtf o:
.NET is better for hacks than java
05/04/2010, 16:46
elite*gold: 1
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MemoryHacking with .NET? o0
05/04/2010, 17:41
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by General Desert
MemoryHacking with .NET? o0
is working very well :]
05/05/2010, 20:11
elite*gold: 7110
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besser als mit java o.O
05/05/2010, 21:38
elite*gold: 1
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hätt ich nicht gedacht, aber Ok
05/16/2010, 11:17
elite*gold: 0
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C# is nur ne Microsoft Kopie von Java mit einpar features von C!
Ich würde auch zu Java raten. Memorywriting bzw das Hardwarenahe kannst du auch mit ner C-Dll die du übers JNI ladest implementieren!
05/18/2010, 10:52
elite*gold: 106
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I dont think iv seen any memory based hacks yet written with java 0.o
05/19/2010, 16:51
elite*gold: 0
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i think c++ because you need it all the time
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