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Ryzom goes open source!

Discussion on Ryzom goes open source! within the Gaming News - EN forum part of the Gaming News category.

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Ryzom goes open source!

This is a great news and we are proud to be able to announce it today:

Ryzom is now the first commercial MMORPG completely Open Source and the Free Software Foundation joins us in this initiative. If you don't know what open source software is, you'll find an explanation on wikipedia.

The whole source code of Ryzom (client, server and tools) is now under the GNU AGPLv3 Open Source license.

But we go further! We have also made available all the Ryzom art (textures, 3D objects, animations, particle effects) under the Creative Common Attribution-Share Alike license.

For you as a Ryzom player, nothing changes. The game continues to be pay-to-play to help pay for the cost of development and running of Ryzom. Your financial support is essential for us and it's only thanks to you that Ryzom is still alive today. The game will continue to be developed by the same team as today.

If you are a developer, you can now take the source code and/or the art assets of Ryzom to make your own MMORPG or any other project.

Ryzom free art asset portal
Ryzom free development portal

We rely on you to spread this news as widely as possible around you, on blogs, forums, digg, Reddit, facebook, ...

You can read the full Press Release here.

Attached Thumbnails
Ryzom goes open source!-news_ryzom-opensource.jpg  
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