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Samsung may transform the XR headsets with scent-related support

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Samsung may transform the XR headsets with scent-related support

Samsung is believed to be working on an XR which is an augmented reality headset. According to the most recent news new reports, Samsung is the South Korean technology giant can provide fragrance support in this game.

Samsung is working on a brand new advanced extended-reality (XR) headset in partnership with Google as well as Qualcomm. In August, photos of the prototype for the XR headset were made available on the internet, and RGB cameras as well as depth sensors were shown. The latest rumor suggests the headset will permit users to experience the smell of virtual environments and objects.

Samsung XR's fragrance support can make a difference

There isn't any official information at this time about XR which is Samsung's version of Augmented Reality, however according to an authoritative source it is believed that the Samsung XR device will come equipped with screens sporting high 3,000 ppi pixel density. The headset, dubbed Samsung XR or Galaxy XR will also allow hand tracking similar to the Apple Vision Pro model. The leaker says it will support hand tracking. XR headset also will include scent capabilities.

There isn't any official information at this time about XR which is Samsung's version of Augmented Reality, however according to an authoritative source it is believed that the Samsung XR device will come equipped with screens sporting high 3,000 ppi pixel density. The headset, dubbed Samsung XR or Galaxy XR will also allow hand tracking similar to the Apple Vision Pro model. The leaker says it will support hand tracking. XR headset also will include scent capabilities.

It's unclear if the headset can detect smells in the real surroundings or use sophisticated synthesis technology that can create synthetic scents. If the latter did be the case, it would represent an important breakthrough since none of the major companies in consumer electronics has yet been able to introduce a functional scent cloning function to the VR headset or AR headset.

The headset is likely to be powered by the Qualcomm the XR chip, which is in opposition to earlier reports that it will run on Samsung's Exynos 2200 chip. There is also a possibility that a specific operating system created by Google and Google will be utilized. It was also mentioned that the brand-new XR headset is scheduled to be unveiled in Samsung's LSI Technology Day. The event will take place at San Jose on October and Samsung will be discussing the future of technologies like artificial intelligence 5G, machine vision and more. Perhaps we will get a first look at a prototype.
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Old 10/09/2023, 21:15   #2
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Qué interesante! Me parece que el soporte de fragancias de Samsung XR puede ser una característica revolucionaria que cambiará la forma en que experimentamos la realidad aumentada. Imagina poder oler las flores, los alimentos, los perfumes y otras cosas que ves en tu pantalla. Sería una sensación increíble.
Creo que Samsung está apostando por una tecnología innovadora y arriesgada, pero que puede tener un gran potencial.
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