Originally, the date of release of Ubisoft's action-adventure Watch Dogs has been scheduled for November next, but apparently Ubisoft will not hold faith with this schedule. According to websites of the game developer and publisher, there is talk of a release, which is planned for spring 2014. The official blog states as a reason for this:
"[...]But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune each detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.[...]"
So the problem is with some details, which are not correct yet and for which Ubisoft would like to take more time in order to provide an exceptional experience. We hope that especially those details amaze us next year and that the prolongation of the developer will be worth while.