Feature Summary
[+] Aimbot with Basic & Advanced modes, suitable for any player. Can be configured to hit every shot and can also be configured to look very legit.
[+] Extremely customizable Player ESP
[+] Alive Team Count
[+] Kill Count
[+] Skeleton
[+] Name ESP
[+] Platform Text & Icon ESP
[+] Rank ESP
[+] Ammo Count ESP
[+] Enemy Reboot Card Icon & Timer
[+] Knocked Timer, Predicts when knocked enemies will bleed out
[+] PR, Earnings, Twitch Viewers/Followers
[+] Directional Arrows, Snaplines, 4 Types of Box ESP
[+] Web Radar - Puts a radar into a website that you can share with your friends who don't cheat. They can select themselves in the radar options to show the radar from their perspective
[+] Items, (Mythic) Chests, Llamas, Vehicles and Ammo Box ESP.
[+] Advanced Item ESP
[+] Show Weapon Upgrades, Item Whitelist/Blacklist, Show Heals When Low
[+] Show Wood/Brick/Metal / Shotgun/Medium/Heavy/Light Ammo When Low
[+] Very customizable radar, suitable for any player
[+] Triggerbot to automatically shoot at enemies, options to randomize delays to not look obvious
[+] You can leak the hidden matchmaking codes, which lets you or your friends join custom games that you aren't supposed to be in, without being traceable or bannable by the creators of the custom game.
[+] Web Player List. Sort by kills/pr/earnings, hide dead players, and more
[+] Edit hold macro, reset macro, and pickup macro
[+] Pickaxe Building Weakspot Aimbot
[+] Safezone helper, show DPS, show border on ESP, and more
[+] Cloud Configs, allows you to easily download and share your configs
[+] Web Menu, control your cheat from any computer or phone with web browser.
Prices, Media & Purchase
- You can see prices, media and you can purchase with automatic delivery on our website (use code EPVP)