Risk your life/Return of warrior (Ryl/ROW) 06/22/2013 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies Hey guys,
does anybody know what else isnt server sided in ryl/row, besides the cooldown values?
..till now i found the cooldown basepointer for any skill and the current hp/mp and max hp/mp basepointer, which are useless because its server sided.
So if anybody know, what else is not serversided in ryl/row, feel free to give some info :) ...dont come up with stuff whats working just for you :D ty!
Ryl ???Ryl ???Ryl ???Ryl ??? 08/07/2006 - Private Server - 8 Replies ayone know a working emulator for Risk Your Life ???? Ryl .... if you know one pls post it here please 1!!! :P
thanks :D