Hounds The Last Hope privat server 05/26/2020 - Private Server - 1 Replies Hi,
i read that the developer are closing down (or it is already offline) the steam server of Hounds The Last Hope
But the turkish translated version is still online
Is there an interest in creating a private server for this game?
How to make Bounty Hounds Online Private Server! Help! 02/19/2018 - Private Server - 0 Replies Hi,
I really loved playing Bounty Hounds Online before but unfortunately it's no longer available. There are no private servers either. I was wondering if someone here can point me to the right direction on how to start a private server of this game.
Your response is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Being one step ahead of the hounds 07/12/2006 - Planetside - 15 Replies The devs are working on anti-hack countermeasures and logging.
Assuming that not all of that statement is BS, I've used my almighty crystal ball of common sense.
Their countermeasures are probably going to look for 0 COF(or other unnaturally low COF's) or impossible coordinate changes.
It would be a good idea to replace the 0 cof by a ''freeze COF at crouched position for every weapon''. It would tone down the AMP sniping a bit, but also make it harder to detect, either visually or...
Solo Core Hounds 12/23/2005 - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros - 26 Replies OK first of you NEED RANGE.... ( Bow, Throwing Axe, Spells, Ect. )
1. go to mc
2. get past the first 2 molten giants by going through the wall to the right of them.. ( you should be walking over lava "hence the zero gravity" )
3. get high enough to walk over the mobs..
4. attack a core hound ( might have to slowly go down, to get in range )
5. when you finaly get agro, teleport to "Core Hound" location
6. dont move just use a range weapon or spell
7. when it dies teleport to...