[Request] Kingdom Heroes Online BOT/Hack 04/21/2012 - General Gaming Discussion - 11 Replies I've done some googling, but haven't been able to come up with any hacks or bots for this game. Specifically, I'm looking for something that can (at least) automatically trigger skills on a timer. Of course, anything beyond that would be great, too. Apparently, there's already at least one bot for the game, but it's not showing up via Google.
If you haven't tried KH, it's a free MMO at Kingdom Heroes - Free MMORPG at Aeria Games
place for bermisiah pearl/ ellia pearl 04/15/2010 - Grand Chase Philippines - 10 Replies eii, eto po yung place
na maraming pearls
ang binibigay
sa elven forest, at gaiko castle for
bermisiah pearls
and sa hell brige
for hell bridge pearls,.
sa scroll aman po
sa gaiko castle for lil gaiko
at bermisiah last stand for kaze aze :D,.
Hack/Bot Request for Martial Heroes 04/10/2010 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies Well I am playing a game atm called Martial Heroes and after I saw large number of hacks on bots in this forum for more security-typed games, I thought you guys would be perfect - clever to make a hack for Martial Heroes.
It is controlled by XTrap. I tested if I could use MHS with Martial Heroes running because all other engines it wont work - martial heroes would just close down. So anyways, Martial Heroes did allow MHS but the problem was when I clicked Open Process > Martial Heroes in MHS...