V19 Taskbar problem 10/27/2014 - Flyff Private Server - 1 Replies Hi guys,
Im getting annoyed of this problem. I need help. the problem is after I used up the item I put on the taskbar, it wont remove the item icon from the slot. it will just stay there without any quantity. I've checked the CDPClient::SendRemoveItemTaskBar and CDPSrvr::OnRemoveItemTaskBar function and it looks ok. I also diff them to some different sources and they're the same. Im feeling im missing something here. do you guys have any ideas? oh and it's gone after I relog.
Problem mit Taskbar 08/06/2014 - Metin2 Private Server - 4 Replies Hi comm,
eigentlich wollte ich eine andere taskbar einbauen. Die von NYBUnbelievable. Leider klappt das nicht, da ich immer irgendwelche Fehler krieg. Also hab ich wieder die normale und die aus dem Wilkommens Release eingebaut: KLICK
Mein Problem ist: Wenn ich Tapferkeitsumhänge oder Pots etc. in die Taskbar ziehe, sind diese zwar auf dem jeweiligen Hotkey plaziert aber sie sind nicht sichtbar (Die Icons). Bei Fertigkeiten sehe ich die Icons.
Weis jemand weiter? :)
V19 Taskbar Problem 06/04/2014 - Flyff Private Server - 0 Replies hi there,
I just noticed after adding the v19 interface to a v15 source, The task bar isn't saving the shortcuts in the slots.. Every time I reconnect the shortcuts in the taskbar will always restore back to the initial shortcuts when you create a new character ( lollipop, Cookies, Pick up item, Sit, etc. ) .. anyone know what causing it? Thanks.
Taskbar Problem 06/25/2013 - Flyff Private Server - 5 Replies I just want to ask my problem about v19 taskbar.
I success to install it. my problem is when i double click
the round shape where the skill is in my neuz getting crashed.
Here's my error :
Neuz.exe caused an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in module Neuz.exe at 001B:00473C0C, tagSHORTCUT::IsEmpty()+0012 byte(s), c:\users\esktop\full\source\official source\_common\projectcmn.h, line 1039+0012 byte(s)
- Registers
Problem v19 taskbar 03/20/2013 - Flyff Private Server - 2 Replies Problem for Adeil. Taskbar!
•Also the Experience at the taskbar 99.99% but it's not full.. and when i double click the skill can't remove :(
• F10 Hotkey won't Work
•when i press skip button this will happen!
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http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/9773/flyff0000 3o.jpg