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Miqobot | The First FFXIV DX11 Bot
Discussion on Miqobot | The First FFXIV DX11 Bot within the Final Fantasy XIV forum part of the MMORPGs category.
09/13/2017, 13:37
elite*gold: 0
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does the bot have combat assist and if not are you planning on adding it ?
09/16/2017, 22:58
elite*gold: 132
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Posts: 196
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Originally Posted by balol
does the bot have combat assist and if not are you planning on adding it ?
Yes, Combat support is planned for v1.3.x series of Miqobot.
We are planning to implement PotD farming as well as customizable combat rotations for dungeons and raids.
Originally Posted by DaHollander
trial not work....
Please contact our Tech Support directly, and we will do our best to help you
09/19/2017, 00:26
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Miqobot
Yes, Combat support is planned for v1.3.x series of Miqobot.
We are planning to implement PotD farming as well as customizable combat rotations for dungeons and raids.

can you tell me when that is coming out ?
09/22/2017, 17:58
elite*gold: 132
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Posts: 196
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The actual release date will be announced later.
Combat support will arrive after we finish implementing new Stormblood features and additional functions for Scenario Engine.
Thank you for your interest very much!
09/23/2017, 15:55
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Miqobot
Can this bot gather collectables in stormblood reliably? (False scads for example)
09/29/2017, 12:24
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Your current pricing strategy doesn't make any sense for the consumer,
You say you want to first focus on core features before you implement any discount pricing strategies....
why are you charging full (over) price for content which does not have adequate core features. Shouldn't your max price (you say it won't go up) be reserved for when you have a full product?
Just seems like you care a lot more about the money you make right now, than about the potential to create valued customers (which create larger, more stable profits)
09/30/2017, 16:12
elite*gold: 132
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 196
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Thank you for asking! A few reasons for that:
- Nobody likes when price increases.
Just take a look at recent FFXIV price changes for Brazilian and Russian Steam players. We don't want to mislead our customers, we want to be honest from the start.
- There are many useful features already.
As of now, we offer 14 core features and we are working on x2 more. Some of them are unique.
In addition, our methods are completely non-intrusive, without any hacks or code injections.
- All profits are fully reinvested into the project.
If you support us, you can be sure that your money goes directly into improvement. We buy more development hours which means new features will arrive sooner.
Originally Posted by kagemegami
Can this bot gather collectables in stormblood reliably? (False scads for example)
Yes, Miqobot can gather collectables with Mining, Botany, and Fishing.
Spearfishing is coming in the next update and, of course, will support collectables too.
10/12/2017, 15:54
elite*gold: 132
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Posts: 196
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Miqobot is fixed for Patch 4.1.
New version arrives in a few days with many useful Stormblood features
10/24/2017, 13:56
elite*gold: 132
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Posts: 196
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Miqobot is automatically fixed for Patch 4.11
10/25/2017, 16:50
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 8
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hi there i never used bot but farming all these things is pretty frustrating , i m only concerned about Ban , is it safe or there are high chances to get cought?
10/26/2017, 06:20
elite*gold: 132
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 196
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Thank you for asking!
We recommend reading our guide on technical and social safety when using Miqobot.
You can find it here:
11/10/2017, 03:39
elite*gold: 132
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 196
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Miqobot v1.2.65
Stormblood Upgrade Stage 2
- Navigation: Swimming is supported.
- Navigation: New mount speed is supported.
- Fishing: Cordials are supported.
- Fishing: Mooch II is implemented.
- Fishing: Double Hook is implemented.
- Spearfishing is implemented.
- Gathering: Impulsive Appraisal II is implemented.
- Gathering: Unearth III / Leaf Turn III is implemented.
- Gathering: Bountiful Yield II / Bountiful Harvest II is implemented.
- Crafting: All new recipes are supported (including 70**).
- Crafting: Formulae precision is greatly increased.
- Crafting: Ingenuity is implemented.
- Crafting: All 61+ abilities are implemented.
- Crafting: All specialty abilities are implemented.
- Crafting: Multiple optimizations are implemented.
- Other: Teleport to Shirogane estate halls is implemented.
- Other: New zones are supported.
- Other: New mounts are supported.
Read detailed feature guide at our website:
11/14/2017, 02:38
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 16
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I remember using the Trial when Heavensward launch. is there to get another trial for the new stuff?
11/15/2017, 10:52
elite*gold: 132
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 196
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Please contact Tech Support directly from our website
11/21/2017, 16:36
elite*gold: 132
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 196
Received Thanks: 24
Miqobot is fixed for Patch 4.15.
Please restart her and she will update automatically
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