fifa world trainer now doesnt work with 7.2 update
Fifa world trainer 1.1 & 1.0a now doesn't work with Fifa world 7.2 update
what is the reason and what is the solution
thanks for your efforts (kingy91 & archie333 &pawelek212 and the other)and we wait for the more.
They don't feel appricated and will most likely not update it.
It's because some people with zero capability to think insulted them etc when contract hack was patched I think.
They don't feel appricated and will most likely not update it.
It's because some people with zero capability to think insulted them etc when contract hack was patched I think.
I believe you meant instant finish for half/match in your previous post.
If so, I don't really know how it works, I never used it. But I understand what's the purpose of that option. It suppose to end single player matches. Correct me if I'm wrong.
this function is works only for online not for single
when you gonna use it at single you got freeze black screen then the game quit
i test it before on single but didnt work ( i mean end 1st & 2nd match )
yes you're correct it correct but only works with online not single matches
I know it works online. That's fine. We never had that option available, but we have process suspender.
Anyway, I'll check what you're looking for later, when I'll have minute or two.
archie333 : i remember this comment
Goals work fine in offline mode, but you can't freeze the game and disconnect. Also, when you use F4 to finish the game, it crashes. The only way to cheat offline is to add goals and wait till 90th minut. I have some idea for offline trainer, but I'll need to find addresses first. Well, I didn't even try to find them yet.
Need help :S AutoIT Trainer doesnt work 03/02/2014 - AutoIt - 13 Replies Hey,
This is what my trainer looks like. It only has currently 1 adress which is static.
[Help pls xD]WarRock Doesnt Work after Update.. 04/20/2011 - WarRock - 11 Replies Hallo elitepvpers,
Ich habe da mal ein Kleines Problem
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So dann habe ich WarRock neu installiert dann konnte ich Räume sehen & Joinen dann bin ich in ein Raum gegangen und da wo es Laden sollte War alles schwarz also habe ich warrock wieder Beendet und neugestartet dann das selbe problem wie davor mit der...
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NO CRC doesnt work with update 09/11/2009 - Dekaron - 3 Replies Please help me out it no long works. It says invalid game client please reinstall.
After update the isrobot doesnt work 03/16/2007 - Silkroad Online - 7 Replies HI @ all,
does anyone know y the isrobot doesnt work after the update or how i can fix it