Originally Posted by LIGHTNING_CHEATS
30 days lifetime ...
there is a second gif which is up to date = 55 day`s
my test account is since august around 160 days+ my average stats arent achievable playing legit itīs not even close
if the average cheat user feels more comfy dropping k/d to look more legit fair enough, buy one or use a free one there is nothing wrong with it
i have a problem with missinformation which u put straight out of ur ***
the bot story to sell k/d dropper is just dumb asfck and hurts ur credibility
those stats doesnt mean anything for bsg`s check`s which arent manuel viewed in the first place
if u run into a developer account in an public match which u rarely every see and are bold enough to kill him "blame urself" for the manuel
i have a idea/theorie what they`re actually checking but it`s just theorie so i wont spread the word about it