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Looking to get into cheating/carries/rmt

Discussion on Looking to get into cheating/carries/rmt within the Escape from Tarkov forum part of the Popular Games category.

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Looking to get into cheating/carries/rmt

Hello everyone, I am looking to get into EFT cheating, carries, and rmt'ing. Does anyone have any help on what cheats to get (best right now and most worth), how to avoid bans, how to advertise carrying, where to get new accounts, and where to sell in-game items? Any help and tips would be appreciated!
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Old 04/18/2022, 07:09   #2
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Advertise here. If you don't mind verifying you can get a private hack. Much less likely to get detected. I use elusion hack machine is decent as well. If you just want day keys you can hit me up. Player auctions is where to sell items and they have a safe payment service that works a lot like eBay.
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Old 04/18/2022, 16:48   #3
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Originally Posted by Balennn View Post
Hello everyone, I am looking to get into EFT cheating, carries, and rmt'ing. Does anyone have any help on what cheats to get (best right now and most worth), how to avoid bans, how to advertise carrying, where to get new accounts, and where to sell in-game items? Any help and tips would be appreciated!
We literally have the answers to every single question there in our discord server. Pop in to call and ill help you set everything up and make sure to keep it as cheap as possible.

But to shortly answer your questions here :

Cheat : Something that can kill other hackers is essential , when doing carries you don't want to die to another hacker , hence your cheat needs a really good aimbot. What better aimbot is there than that of one that uses bullet track ( our cheat ) where you aren't even required to aim at the other enemy and bullets go directly towards his head

The cheat is also required to be cheap , since your doing carries you need to turn a profit , the more expensive the cheat is the more carry money will be wasted on it for the same or worse features then our 8$ cheat.

So yeah i do recommend you buy our product 100% , we all use it for carries and manage to get people what they want. ABS RU for only 8$

Bans are always going to be a thing especially if you are carrying a lot of people and killing over 500 people in a day. This is called a Manual ban , issued by BSG its an employee banning you based on your stats. You can't avoid bans when carrying , you just minimize the cost of your accounts by buying cracked accounts that are disposable and don't last as long.

Advertise your carries on discord , huge market over there. Also use any forums that allow it.

Getting new accounts you can hit us up but not on elitepvper , you would have to do that on our discord since it breaks TOS here.

Selling your in game items can be done on many discord servers , although RMT is dying out as it is pretty late into wipe , however you can always find customers if you look hard enough
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Old 04/19/2022, 15:41   #4

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Originally Posted by Balennn View Post
Hello everyone, I am looking to get into EFT cheating, carries, and rmt'ing. Does anyone have any help on what cheats to get (best right now and most worth), how to avoid bans, how to advertise carrying, where to get new accounts, and where to sell in-game items? Any help and tips would be appreciated!
It comes down to your preference and how much your wallet weighs.

There are public, private and reseller cheats. Usually the reseller cheats get detected the most. They are depending on the re-seller, either the cheapest or the most expensive. They also usually include days keys. Private cheats such as HackMachine and Elusion are longer undetected and offer higher security. There are also public cheats such as Yazzn´s EFT, works fine, good community.

For carries and rmt'ing probably an reseller cheats with the dedicated features to do the job is the best.

You can advertise your service here on elitepvpers, discord or on other forums which you can find on google. Since you are new here you will have a harder time finding customers.
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