I see they have it for 125 EUR Month. Do they provide like weekly? and accept USD?
It’ll come out as 140 USD if your card can convert or can use Bitcoin. Currently don’t have Weekly’s but it’s a great suggestion of yours. I’m sure they will add weekly in the future.
[Buying] I am looking for a CA NA Account MAJ and up with decent perms, decent amount of GP. 02/17/2016 - Combat Arms Trading - 1 Replies Hello! First I would like to thank you for clicking this, whether accidental or not.
The title is self explanatory, but I will list some more things here.
I am looking for a CA NA Account preferably MAJ and up but I AM willing to look into any accounts below that rank, the rank is NOT a requirement but it is preferred. I will need to be assured that the account will not be banned and/or how to avoid from it being banned. I will also need to know if the account was banned before, and/or why it...
[Trading] WTT lvl65 Chanter (Decent Gear) with lvl65 Gladiator (Decent Gear) 09/14/2014 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies WTT lvl65 Chanter Decent Gear @Elyos Perento with lvl65 Gladiator Decent Gear @Perento.
+10 Kata wep (half of those manstones are comp stones crit/mr)
+10 Full 65a-4star set MR Good for solo pvp vs Mages and support group pvp.
+10 Gonon full lvl60 comp stones magic acc/crit. (2000+ Macc and 950+ Crit) Good for solo pvp.
Full HP set (Strife) Good for support pve.
+10/15 40e Full attack set Good for dps pve.
pm me for more info.
[Selling] [EUW] Diamond 2 account with decent runes & decent price 07/30/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies http://i.imgur.com/TUlUZ5g.jpg
EUW | Gold Division Elo | 2 Skins | decent champions | decent runes 02/18/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Euw account with gold division. Has around 50+/- champs and 2 skins. The acc also has a free transfer to EUNE or turkey server. For more information or if you're intersted in the account.. Pm me here Or message me at skype : Freshkid47
decent/good miner, and decent PvE. 5.5M SP 06/16/2012 - Eve Online Trading - 2 Replies This is the account up for sale.
eveboard - Abbigale Nova
She CAN pilot a Hulk, She just doesn't own one because of Hulkageddon and what not.
She will come with no isk (other then whatever ends up selling that's up on the market right now, a few mil worth of stuff, I believe)
She will come with a fully fitted Retriever for mining, a second retriever in a small pocket of high sec surrounded by low and null (if you want to risk flying out there for it to sell, or use, or whatever),...