[TUT]NEW CLEAR 1 hit in DUGEON w/ pics 08/31/2009 - Grand Chase Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 10 Replies i give my credit to those who posted this hack earlier
i jsut made it more clearly
here's the complete TUT
1. go to practice use ronan
http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k73/checkneck/u ntitled-4.jpg
2. first scan 16256 | exact value | 4bytes
dugeon hacking :confused: 08/01/2008 - Dekaron - 3 Replies i dont know if it has been released yet but is there a way to get in a dungeon for free?? Like can u hack into it?? Just wondering :) A quick response would b apreciative thank you. :cool:
CRESPO A dugeon , list of all mobs 12/16/2007 - Dekaron - 3 Replies pls can anybody write here/ post web where i can find list of ABSOLUTE ALL mobs what i can find in crespo dungeon a ? ( need to monster editor )