Originally Posted by planet9gg
do you mind sharing the address for that in A9?
First and foremost make sure executables are unpacked.
In debugger you'll have to attach server side as well as the client, start by searching the hex of maximum capacity of your dills which probably in this case is = 3B9ACA00 (hexadecimal) and it equals to 1000000000 (1 billion (decimal))
Once you've done it, there'll be many variations of different addresses that stores that value.
To make changes make sure server and client addresses matches the structure (as client displays as server says) and then proceed to do modification of the value to which you aim for.
Little hint: Analysing the structures will help you out of what it's doing, there are packets for trading, receiving, dropping and storing the dills which may benefit knowledge even more of how it actually works.
Hope this will help your needs and I wish you a good luck.