Hello Guys! You don't have to read whole thing if you are not interested, but I am thankful if you did! ^_^
INTRO: A lot of you know me and some of you don't. I am one of the most trusted ePvP Vendors with over 1000 trades done. I started doing this ePvP bussines around 1 year ago. The reason why I started it is because League of Legends. I reached Challenger 1.5 years ago and I saw that I am pretty good in that game. I didn't have luck with teams and my time was running out because in that year I had to sign up for college, in which I am now, and I had to do a lot of things. I saw that pro career in LoL is not meant to be for me, and I left LoL in bussines. Same thing I did with Heroes of the Storm, it is fun game to play, I reached Rank 1 with over 4.2k MMR, but I left it into bussines. After that I realized that I have a great talent for video games. Basically whichever game I play, I need around 1 month to get on a PRO level of it. So I started playing CS:GO at January for fun. I reached Global Elite soon after. But I didn't have any plans for CS:GO until now. For past 3 months I had a lot of things to setup in my life, so I didn't have time for bussines. But on the other side I had time for CS:GO. I played over 600 games in just 90 days, over 400h of pure deathmatch and some fun games with friends. I got pretty good in game. I have a really sad history/past behind me. Every time I wanted to go pro in one game, I couldn't make it because of my bad luck and because of my shit luck with teams. I have a few Global Elite friends and Supremes with which I play daily, but I decided to do something different this time. I will assemble the CS:GO team out of best players I can find and try to reach my goals. This little intro should take yours attention, you should see how much I am willing to invest in this and that this is my dream and my life. I am really serious about this and my future as PRO CS:GO PLAYER!
INFORMATION ABOUT TEAM: The team will consist best players I can find on ePvP and players from my real life. There will be 5 main players and 1 sub. We will have team practice everyday around 3 games (faceit or MM). We will play every FaceIT and ESL League. We will start streaming and YouTube Channel. I will put some money in this time if I see that things are going in right direction so the payments can also be option in future.
WHAT DO WE NEED: 6 players that can consider themselves worthy of PRO Scene. Atleast 1-2 players that have a good knowledge about YouTube/Design/Streamin aswell as me myself.
CONTACT INFO SKYPE: nightcoreshop