//Definitions new String:steamid[32]; new String:FullWeaponName[40]; new String:query[200]; //Getting weapons full name FullWeaponName = "weapon_"; StrCat(FullWeaponName, sizeof(FullWeaponName), weapon); //Checking if client is in database GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, 32); //Getting steam ID with one warning Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT weapon_name, paint FROM skins LEFT JOIN weapons ON skins.weapon_id = WHERE steamid = '%s' AND weapons.weapon_name = '%s'", steamid, FullWeaponName); new Handle:queryH = SQL_Query(DB, query);
GetClientAuthString(client, steamid, 32);
Da aber dann nicht mehr geht villeicht kennt sich da jemand aus