alias "firemode_normal" "bind mouse1 +attack;echo [FireM] Mode is DEFAULT"
alias burst_command "+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 7;+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 7;+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 35;burst_loop"
alias burst_triggeron "alias burst_loop burst_command"
alias burst_triggeroff "alias burst_loop"
alias +burst "burst_triggeron;burst_loop"
alias -burst "burst_triggeroff;-attack"
alias "firemode_burst" "bind mouse1 +burst;echo [FireM] Mode is BURST"
//Full auto
alias auto_command "+attack;wait 2;-attack;wait 6;auto_loop"
alias auto_triggeron "alias auto_loop auto_command"
alias auto_triggeroff "alias auto_loop"
alias +auto "auto_triggeron;auto_loop"
alias -auto "auto_triggeroff;-attack"
alias "firemode_auto" "bind mouse1 +auto;echo [FireM] Mode is FULL AUTO"
alias "+semi" "+attack;wait 5;-attack"
alias "-semi" "-attack"
alias "firemode_semi" "bind mouse1 +semi;echo [FireM] Mode is SEMI-AUTO"
bind f1 "firemode_normal"
bind f2 "firemode_burst"
bind f3 "firemode_auto"
bind f4 "firemode_semi"
echo [FireM]
echo [FireM] Fire Mode switcher script Loaded.
echo [FireM]
echo [FireM] Controls:
echo [FireM] F1: Default
echo [FireM] F2: 3 Round Burst
echo [FireM] F3: Fully Automatic
echo [FireM] F4: Semi Automatic
echo [FireM]
To install, just create a text file in notepad, paste the script code and save it as "firem.cfg". Then move it to "cstrike/cfg" and add a line like this to the "autoexec.cfg": "exec firem".
If it loads correctly on game start you should see a message in your Dev Console.
Shows a message in console showing the current fire mode everytime you change it.
KNOWN BUGS: You can only plant the bomb with the default fire mode selected.
In the 3 Round burst mode, it only fires 2 rounds for pistols (because they are very slow).
PS.:Wenn der server das wait command deaktiviert hat funktioniert das ganze nicht!
Wer mir sagt wie ich aus Burst-Fire(3 schüsse)....2 schüsse mache bekommtn dickes THX