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funny things to do using hacks
Discussion on funny things to do using hacks within the Conquer Online 2 forum part of the MMORPGs category.
11/21/2007, 07:19
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 58
Received Thanks: 1
funny things to do using hacks
lol I'd be happy to hear of any amusing things to do with hacks.
Mine is... Using #alone in venom and sitting on the warehouseman. It sure made me laugh, I did it in market. If you go off screen and come back the whman will be ontop instead of being stacked, but people don't figure that out straight away. When people get annoyed try telling them to report you to the GM, seeing as how useful they are.
11/21/2007, 08:39
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,272
Received Thanks: 246
thats one of the most annoying things you could(the only thing that annoys me more is when ppl screw with the GC)
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ok none of these hacks actually help you in anyway they're are just funny and look cool ^_^
i guess something to do if your bored :p
ok to make yourself look like you're wearing +9 (its only client sided, so only you can see them, and if anyone else has the same armor/weaps they will look gold to hehe)
go into either your itemarmor.csv or itemweapon.csv
ok how to make your armor look like you have +9 is very simple, say you wanted eternity pants to look gold. well you locate...
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