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Damage Calculation

Discussion on Damage Calculation within the CO2 PServer Guides & Releases forum part of the CO2 Private Server category.

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Damage Calculation

Okay. I haven't found any physical damage calculations out there that involves BP. Maybe nobody wants it or what but Ive been lurking these forums for a while looking for ideas for my server. Anyway, here's my ROUGH (+- 1.5k) damage compared to the real co. If anyone got any ideas on how to improve my equation by all means please post.

I use 5165 but the gist of it should be the same as other servers.
also, thanks to CoEmu v2, I used some of the damage calculation from there namely the reborn percentages.

This is only to fix FB/SS. Melee you need to change yourself in attack.cs
in skills.cs find

public uint GetDamage(Character C)
if you look a little bit below that line you should see

case DamageType.Melee:
replace the whole case with:
if (Game.World.NoPKMaps.Contains(User.Loc.Map))
                                    if (Info.ExtraEff == ExtraEffect.None)
                                        return 0;

                                ushort Def = (ushort)((double)C.EqStats.defense*2);
                                Buff Shield = C.BuffOf(SkillsClass.ExtraEffect.MagicShield);
                                if (Shield.Eff == SkillsClass.ExtraEffect.MagicShield)
                                    Def = (ushort)(Def * Shield.Value);

                                Damage = User.PrepareAttack(2, false);
                                Damage = (uint)(Damage * Info.EffectValue);
                                Damage += Info.Damage;

                                if (Def >= Damage)
                                    Damage = 1;
                                    Damage -= Def;

                                if (C.Reborns == 1)
                                    Damage = (uint)Math.Floor((double)Damage * .7);
                                else if (C.Reborns == 2)
                                    Damage = (uint)Math.Floor((double)Damage * .7);
                                    if (User.Reborns < 2)
                                        Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * .5));

                                Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * (1 - ((C.EqStats.GemBless < .50) ? C.EqStats.GemBless : .50))));

                                //EQ bless
                                if (C.EqStats.TotalBless > 0)
                                    Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * (1 - ((C.EqStats.TotalBless < 60) ? (double)C.EqStats.TotalBless : (double)60) * .01)));
                                //Console.WriteLine(User.Name + " " + (int)User.Potency);
                                //Console.WriteLine(C.Name + " " + (int)C.Potency);
                                if (User.Potency < C.Potency)
                                    Damage = (uint)(((double)Damage) * (((double)C.Potency / (double)User.Potency) + .85) / Math.Sqrt((double)(C.Potency - User.Potency)));
                                    if (C.Potency - User.Potency >= 50)
                                        Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .6);

                                    Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .9);

                                if (C.Potency >= 300)
                                    Damage = Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .7);

                                Damage += User.EqStats.MeleeDamageIncrease;
                                if (C.EqStats.MeleeDamageDecrease >= Damage)
                                    Damage = 1;
                                    Damage -= C.EqStats.MeleeDamageDecrease;
anyway I also removed something I forget.. I think it was archer_fly or something

Also for 5165 users. Server calculates BP wrong. It doesn't add in the steed BP. So to make it add the steed bp to total bp:

public ushort Potency
replace with
public ushort Potency
                string s = ((ushort)Equips.HeadGear.Soc1).ToString();
                int prePotency = 0;
                prePotency += Level + 5 * Reborns;
                for (byte x = 1; x <= 12; x++)
                    Item I = Equips.Get(x);
                    if (I.UID != 0)
                        prePotency += I.Pot;
                prePotency += (byte)Nobility.Rank;
                return (ushort)prePotency;
public static void GetGemEffect(ref EquipStats E, Gem G)
and add the following cases:
case Gem.NormalTortoiseGem:
                        E.GemBless += 0.02;
                case Gem.RefinedTortoiseGem:
                        E.GemBless += 0.04;
                case Gem.SuperTortoiseGem:
                        E.GemBless += 0.06;
public double GemExtraMAttack;
below it add:
public double GemBless;

Eqp.GemExtraMAttack += eqp.GemExtraMAttack;
below it add:
Eqp.GemBless += eqp.GemBless;

Eqp.GemExtraMAttack -= eqp.GemExtraMAttack;
below it add:
Eqp.GemBless -= eqp.GemBless;

EqStats.GemExtraAttack = 1;
below it add:
EqStats.GemBless = 0;
I think that should be it. If I'm missing anything just post something.

Also to those that wanna help make a better damage equation i also attached an excel file with all the info on the damages. It's kinda messy though but meh.

And if you are gonna use this, some thanks would be nice.
Attached Files
File Type: rar damages new.rar (21.9 KB, 49 views)
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Old 06/04/2010, 06:19   #2
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I really didn't thing someone gonna release a proper damage calculation for 5165 source. Good job +k
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Old 06/04/2010, 06:29   #3
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Same thanks dude <333

You should take the time to release it on 4bot before some one else does

Thanks AGAIN

#Edit 2

I get 2 errors when adding the the stuff above

Error 1 A local variable named 'Def' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'Def', which is already used in a 'child' scope to denote something else C:\Users\DesignMonkey\Desktop\Stuff\Conquer Sources\Project #2\Game\Features\Skills.cs 459 32 NewestCOServer
Error 2 A local variable named 'Shield' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'Shield', which is already used in a 'child' scope to denote something else C:\Users\DesignMonkey\Desktop\Stuff\Conquer Sources\Project #2\Game\Features\Skills.cs 460 30 NewestCOServer
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Old 06/04/2010, 09:29   #4
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Yeah.. I got tired of the stupid 30ks full +12s did to each other on my server. This is a VERY rough estimation of the damages.


Did you remove even the "case"? The code should be..

case DamageType.Melee:
if (Game.World.NoPKMaps.Contains(User.Loc.Map))
                                    if (Info.ExtraEff == ExtraEffect.None)
                                        return 0;

                                ushort Def = (ushort)((double)C.EqStats.defense*2);
                                Buff Shield = C.BuffOf(SkillsClass.ExtraEffect.MagicShield);
                                if (Shield.Eff == SkillsClass.ExtraEffect.MagicShield)
                                    Def = (ushort)(Def * Shield.Value);

                                Damage = User.PrepareAttack(2, false);
                                Damage = (uint)(Damage * Info.EffectValue);
                                Damage += Info.Damage;

                                if (Def >= Damage)
                                    Damage = 1;
                                    Damage -= Def;

                                if (C.Reborns == 1)
                                    Damage = (uint)Math.Floor((double)Damage * .7);
                                else if (C.Reborns == 2)
                                    Damage = (uint)Math.Floor((double)Damage * .7);
                                    if (User.Reborns < 2)
                                        Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * .5));

                                Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * (1 - ((C.EqStats.GemBless < .50) ? C.EqStats.GemBless : .50))));

                                //EQ bless
                                if (C.EqStats.TotalBless > 0)
                                    Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * (1 - ((C.EqStats.TotalBless < 60) ? (double)C.EqStats.TotalBless : (double)60) * .01)));
                                //Console.WriteLine(User.Name + " " + (int)User.Potency);
                                //Console.WriteLine(C.Name + " " + (int)C.Potency);
                                if (User.Potency < C.Potency)
                                    Damage = (uint)(((double)Damage) * (((double)C.Potency / (double)User.Potency) + .85) / Math.Sqrt((double)(C.Potency - User.Potency)));
                                    if (C.Potency - User.Potency >= 50)
                                        Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .6);

                                    Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .9);

                                if (C.Potency >= 300)
                                    Damage = Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .7);

                                Damage += User.EqStats.MeleeDamageIncrease;
                                if (C.EqStats.MeleeDamageDecrease >= Damage)
                                    Damage = 1;
                                    Damage -= C.EqStats.MeleeDamageDecrease;
ie. Def and Shield has to be within the case
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Old 06/04/2010, 10:26   #5
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Originally Posted by dragon89928 View Post
Yeah.. I got tired of the stupid 30ks full +12s did to each other on my server. This is a VERY rough estimation of the damages.


Did you remove even the "case"? The code should be..

case DamageType.Melee:
if (Game.World.NoPKMaps.Contains(User.Loc.Map))
                                    if (Info.ExtraEff == ExtraEffect.None)
                                        return 0;

                                ushort Def = (ushort)((double)C.EqStats.defense*2);
                                Buff Shield = C.BuffOf(SkillsClass.ExtraEffect.MagicShield);
                                if (Shield.Eff == SkillsClass.ExtraEffect.MagicShield)
                                    Def = (ushort)(Def * Shield.Value);

                                Damage = User.PrepareAttack(2, false);
                                Damage = (uint)(Damage * Info.EffectValue);
                                Damage += Info.Damage;

                                if (Def >= Damage)
                                    Damage = 1;
                                    Damage -= Def;

                                if (C.Reborns == 1)
                                    Damage = (uint)Math.Floor((double)Damage * .7);
                                else if (C.Reborns == 2)
                                    Damage = (uint)Math.Floor((double)Damage * .7);
                                    if (User.Reborns < 2)
                                        Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * .5));

                                Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * (1 - ((C.EqStats.GemBless < .50) ? C.EqStats.GemBless : .50))));

                                //EQ bless
                                if (C.EqStats.TotalBless > 0)
                                    Damage = (uint)(Math.Floor((double)Damage * (1 - ((C.EqStats.TotalBless < 60) ? (double)C.EqStats.TotalBless : (double)60) * .01)));
                                //Console.WriteLine(User.Name + " " + (int)User.Potency);
                                //Console.WriteLine(C.Name + " " + (int)C.Potency);
                                if (User.Potency < C.Potency)
                                    Damage = (uint)(((double)Damage) * (((double)C.Potency / (double)User.Potency) + .85) / Math.Sqrt((double)(C.Potency - User.Potency)));
                                    if (C.Potency - User.Potency >= 50)
                                        Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .6);

                                    Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .9);

                                if (C.Potency >= 300)
                                    Damage = Damage = (uint)((double)Damage * .7);

                                Damage += User.EqStats.MeleeDamageIncrease;
                                if (C.EqStats.MeleeDamageDecrease >= Damage)
                                    Damage = 1;
                                    Damage -= C.EqStats.MeleeDamageDecrease;
ie. Def and Shield has to be within the case
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Old 06/04/2010, 19:11   #6
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Originally Posted by BlueFlame11 View Post
haha np. I wasn't too sure if that would fix it but glad it did
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Old 07/20/2010, 23:28   #7
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i found it great release but it need more work
thanks any ways
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Old 07/21/2010, 00:20   #8
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Originally Posted by wolvreen2006 View Post
i found it great release but it need more work
thanks any ways
Need more work? Then help out the thread starter and do "more work" to it then release it on this thread. I am sure the thread starter will be gratefull for your help
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Old 07/21/2010, 02:18   #9
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muaaaah OMG you are the best
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Old 07/21/2010, 10:37   #10
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Here's mine:

            int Damage = 0;

            if (attacked.ContainsFlag(Network.GamePackets.Update.Flags.ShurikenVortex))
                return 1;
            if (!attacker.Transformed)
                Damage = ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next((int)attacker.MinAttack, (int)attacker.MaxAttack + 1);
                Damage = ServerBase.Kernel.Random.Next((int)attacker.TransformationMinAttack, (int)attacker.TransformationMaxAttack + 1);

            if (attacker.OnSuperman())
                if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster)
                    Damage *= 10;
                    Damage *= 2;

            if (attacker.OnFatalStrike())
                if (attacked.EntityFlag == EntityFlag.Monster)
                    Damage *= 5;

            if (!attacked.Transformed)
                Damage -= attacked.Defence;
                Damage -= attacked.TransformationDefence;

            Damage -= Damage * attacked.ItemBless / 100;

            int potDifference = attacker.Potency - attacked.Potency;
            if (potDifference > 0)
                float rate = (float)potDifference / 100;
                uint damageplus = (uint)(Damage * rate);
                if (damageplus > Damage)
                    Damage = (int)damageplus;

            Damage += attacker.PhysicalDamageIncrease;
            Damage -= attacked.PhysicalDamageDecrease;

            if (Damage <= 0)
                Damage = 1;
For me,since MinAttack, MaxAttack and the Defence are accessors, when shield/stigma is on they get changed directly, so I don't have to add it every where.
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Old 07/21/2010, 11:12   #11
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both not rly accurate
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Old 07/21/2010, 20:46   #12
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Originally Posted by ~Yuki~ View Post
both not rly accurate
I don't know about his, but for me, mine works pretty well.
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Old 08/02/2010, 12:20   #13
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anyway I also removed something I forget.. I think it was archer_fly or something

Also for 5165 users. Server calculates BP wrong. It doesn't add in the steed BP. So to make it add the steed bp to total bp:


public ushort Potency

replace with

public ushort Potency
string s = ((ushort)Equips.HeadGear.Soc1).ToString();
int prePotency = 0;
prePotency += Level + 5 * Reborns;
for (byte x = 1; x <= 12; x++)
Item I = Equips.Get(x);
if (I.UID != 0)
prePotency += I.Pot;
prePotency += (byte)Nobility.Rank;
return (ushort)prePotency;

dragon please input the following words
Character.cs to find this top stuff. <.<
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