Thanks, this looks interesting. Always been interested in learning D, although I've never really looked into, so whenever I do then I got this to look at, if hooking in D ever gets my interest.
Sorry, this was done in a hurry, I just noticed some minor things that should be changed.
client.d line 18 -> Change to IHook!((sendMsg_Hooked)) _sendMsgHook;
client.d line 19 -> Change to IHook!((receiveMsg_Hooked)) _receiveMsgHook;
hooking.d line 155 -> Remove the entire toString method since it was used for debugging purposes only
hooking.d line 136 -> Change the uninstall method to:
There's probably some other minor stuff, but everything works as intended. Sending/receveing packets is easy to do too, and making small bots with this base should be no problem at all.
Sorry, this was done in a hurry, I just noticed some minor things that should be changed.
client.d line 18 -> Change to IHook!((sendMsg_Hooked)) _sendMsgHook;
client.d line 19 -> Change to IHook!((receiveMsg_Hooked)) _receiveMsgHook;
hooking.d line 155 -> Remove the entire toString method since it was used for debugging purposes only
hooking.d line 136 -> Change the uninstall method to:
There's probably some other minor stuff, but everything works as intended. Sending/receveing packets is easy to do too, and making small bots with this base should be no problem at all.
It's a shame this community is so dead
You're going to have a harsh time if you're trying to introduce a new language to this forum.
[C++]DirectDraw Hooking 04/16/2012 - C/C++ - 9 Replies Hallo liebe Community,
bin gerade dabei ein etwas älteres Spiel was DirectDraw (dx7) benutzt zu Hooken..Da ich mich mit DirectDraw nicht gut auskenne und nicht wie bei dx9 wüsste wie ich an eine EndScene käme versuche ich die Blt Funktion zu detouren und dort das BackSurface abzugreifen, welches schließlich auf das FrontSurface gezeichnet werden müsste.. (falls ich Unrecht habe bitte korrigieren)
Um nun an die Blt Methode zu gelangen, besorg ich mir zunächst das DirectDraw7-Interface. ...
Account Hooking 03/30/2010 - AutoIt - 4 Replies Hi,
I would like to know how to hook an account with my bot,
Example i play conquer online.I open my bot and it show my char name and i click hook,and then bot is connected to my account,how to hook the bot to the character,
Thank you
C++ D3D Hooking 08/24/2009 - C/C++ - 12 Replies Hallo zusammen,
ich stehe gerade vor folgendem Problem:
ich habe eine DLL und einen Loader gecoded, jedoch will ich anstelle des Loader einen Injecter haben, sprich: das spiel, in das injected werden soll, soll schon laufen. Natürlich hab ich das ganze schon probiert, jedoch werden die D3D-funktionen nicht wirklich gehookt, da die DLL auf ein Direct3DCreate9 wartet. Da diese Funktion aber wahrscheinlich direkt beim Starten des "Opfer-Spiels" ausgeführt wird, werden deswegen die anderen...