Ha guys i just got my new pc its win7 x64bit and i wanted to edit a emu source to learn how 2 code it. BUT when i debug the game server so i can play it gives me an error.
Nano.ServerKey = new OpenSSL.DH(OpenSSL.BigNumber.FromHexString(P), OpenSSL.BigNumber.FromHexString(G));
What should i do? Does anyone no how to fix this or is this only with win7 or pc with x64 bit.
download the file in my signature.. (libeay32.dll) and put in your gameserver/bin/debug folder.. then in your visual c# delete the managedopenssl reference, and re-add it, and everything should work.
[HELP] Coemu V2 error 10/31/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 3 Replies hey guys I have an error when I try to open the gameserver it just says this immediatly
and the loginserver when I start it the only thing it says is this
http://xxiamuberxx.ucoz.com/conquer/loginserver.p ng
so please help I have the 5095 client and this is the 5095 source but it doesn't work And I watched a couple of guides and did the same thing as they did in C# =/ so please help
CoEmu V2 Error 08/20/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 1 Replies FIXED, SOMEONE CLOSE THIS THREAD =]
After using Broken^Wings tutorial, It turns out to be a much differant.
I've probably completely FUCKED This up. :L
Any comments appreciated ;O
Error Coemu Help Me 07/16/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 4 Replies I Have Error For Coemu Sourc Pls Help me check
http://img190.imageshack.us/img190/1328/fixerror. jpg
loggin into account server 10 min and not login :S
[Help] CoEmu V2 Error ! 06/29/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 1 Replies Hey guys i have this error:
http://img261.imageshack.us/img261/904/errovih.jp g
How fix this, I watched the video, more is not correct this error.
i have error in CoEmu 5095 06/16/2009 - CO2 Private Server - 2 Replies hello
i didnt find some npc
like proficiencygod - cloudsaint - eternity - ethereal
And some npc have error dailog is not coded
and when i login i have meesge tell me
Please report: Unknown GemID : 0