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Just out of curiosity...
Discussion on Just out of curiosity... within the CO2 Private Server forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.
09/08/2008, 04:05
elite*gold: 20
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Just out of curiosity...
If I were to teach about a 1-2 hour programming class (C#) on week-days at about possibly starting at 4pm, or 8pm (GMT -5:00 / EST), how many intelligent people would actually be intrested (by intelligent, I mean actually willing to learn)? Cause last I checked Teamviewer only supports up to 10 connections to one computer.
09/08/2008, 04:09
elite*gold: 20
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Originally Posted by InfamousNoone
If I were to teach about a 1-2 hour programming class (C#) on week-days at about possibly starting at 4pm, or 8pm (GMT -5:00 / EST), how many intelligent people would actually be intrested (by intelligent, I mean actually willing to learn)? Cause last I checked Teamviewer only supports up to 10 connections to one computer.
I would ^^
09/08/2008, 04:18
elite*gold: 0
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rofl 10 connections-lag/Lag-No C#/No C#-No server/No Server-Fail/Fail-Suckish/suckish-epic phails/Epic phails- sucks/sucks-bad/bad-suckish :P
09/08/2008, 05:06
elite*gold: 20
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I would be very Interested in this. Talk to me about it on msn.
09/08/2008, 05:12
elite*gold: 0
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I'd do it.
09/08/2008, 07:17
elite*gold: 1142
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Me lol
09/08/2008, 07:21
elite*gold: 0
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I'd be interested if it was assembly language
09/08/2008, 09:21
elite*gold: 0
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I would be Intressed,
09/08/2008, 11:16
elite*gold: 0
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If your going to teach how to use the blowfish encryptions ill come along lmao xD
09/08/2008, 12:52
elite*gold: 0
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I wouldn't mind learning..
09/08/2008, 13:23
elite*gold: 0
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Let me know if you'll ever do C++ instead, I'd be interested in that.
09/08/2008, 13:38
elite*gold: 0
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I'd like to learn
09/08/2008, 16:55
elite*gold: 0
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me too
09/08/2008, 19:23
elite*gold: 0
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you could count me in
09/08/2008, 22:19
elite*gold: 20
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Originally Posted by alexbigfoot
me too
Project:Salvation is on the way! Yeahhhh probably not.
Do you belive in Jesus Christ? Do historians besides Josephus?
Most people in this time dont. LOL? About 36% of the world is Christian, and about 35% is Muslim, America being the largest influence.
Why would u belive in Jesus Christ....? A better question is why don't I, but any logical person can figure it out
Because he died for your sins! Ok...? And I'm Allah, cool eh?
I am in nuts? No your a religious nut.
No i dont,maybe u think i am....WHY? Because theres no evidence what-so-ever to support your argument, I'll laugh even harder at you if you think Adam/Eve, or 'The Flood' / Noah's Ark happened; Bonus points if you can tell me where Cain's wife popped out from.
Because i belive in the truth. Ok, what you believe to be true, doesn't neccicarly mean its true, for instance Muslims can claim that Allah and real, and proclaim it's true; it doesn't mean it is.
The salvation is free.... Far from it.
what do u lose trusting? Pascals wager SUCKS (go Google it), What do you have to lose being Muslim then? The fact is the "what do you have to lose by trusting me theirs god 'x' when you die" can be applied to any god(s), not only Jesus; The same argument can be applied for any religion.
Search for the movie "Time Changer" .Watch it! Go back to highschool and take religious studies and a world history class.
Lesson one, don't voice your religious beliefs when around me, that is unless you really want to debate them and see how well they hold up.
Ta list;
nTL3fTy <-- PM Me, I'll message you my email
Taguro <-- same as above
We start tommorrow at 6pm (EST) when I get home; If I'm not on msn at that time (4/6 of these people can check if I'm on) then it'll be post ponded till tommorrow.
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