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Steed Horses Calculation

Discussion on Steed Horses Calculation within the CO2 Guides & Templates forum part of the Conquer Online 2 category.

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Steed Horses Calculation

I roughly know the calculation, but i need someone familiar with programing to create a program that calculate it automatically. Calculate by human is way too slow, i calculate the golden horse using my formula only each ±4 at most.

This is the original of the attribute of those 2:
Manor Minor New

When calculation :
X = A+((B-A)/10)
Y = C+((D-C)/10)
Z = E+((F-E)/10)

The sum of X+Y+Z = 150/149, so the calculation often misses 1-4 unit.

Hope this calculation helps people on this site.
I also hope ppl will use in this to make program for calculation.
This is also my first post for elite pvpers.
guitar92 is offline  

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