CO2Latro <-- DEAD
Sir Hooksalot <-- ALIVE
hooker.dll <-- ALIVE
Sir Hooksalot Usage:
Step 1) Have ur conquer client/clients running.
Step 2) Select the one you wanna bot with in the list of character names
Step 3) Go to the Bot Tab... select the bot u wanna use.
Step 4) Go to the Extas Tab... setup autopotting, autoFKey
Step 5) Go back to the first tab (Characters tab), and click start bot.
- Melee mode crashes conquer... i'm still working on this.
This is a partial release, its gonna be a part of Sir Hooksalot v0.4 when i've finished reimplementing all the bots (including a the new auto-miner soon to come).
You can now try out a simple melee mode that wont crash ur conquer.
This one is in the attachment
Steps to using
Step 1) Run conquer, log in your char.
Step 2) Run winject.exe and inject hooker.dll into your running process of conquer.
Step 3) In chat mode type in /melee {name of monster} (for example /melee Pheasant) and thats it... it will chat attacking those monsters continously.
Step 4) When you want to stop melee use /stopmelee in chat.
Step 5) When you want to remove the but from the running conquer, type /eject
There other other commands too, like /roleid for retrieving your role id in the [System] messages, and gonna work on some more commands and bots (all soon to come in sir hooksalot v0.4... stay tuned)
Edit: LOL... i forgot... shift click some1 and type /follow to follow, /stopfollow to stop following them... thats courtesy of high6's code (but not as good as his, this one is too obvious)
Edit: More NOTES... GUI soon to be dead, no gui in sir hooksalot v0.4 when it comes out. It will all just be commands via the chat box. So a small download for you, and less effort for me .
OK... finally can loot items yay
You can find it in
The commands are the same as for MELEE w/ some extras.
/loot <-- starts auto looting.
/stoploot <-- stops auto looting.
Someone sitting on ur met? /dis them.
During the programming, some bugs were fixes, and some new ones also developed.. so i keep the original there, just in case.
Edit: Improved stability of app by replacing new/delete operators w/ VirtualAlloc()/VirtualFree(). It now should not crash as much for others.
DO NOT Use sir hooks & MELEE together, they use a few of the same hooks and they will eat each other alive xD ... later i will work on putting all feature into one, with just one bot.
Edit: From the crashes I've been hearing about, I think its a VISTA thing. Everyone whos having a crash, can you tell me what operating system your running?, Because I've only tested this bot on an XP machine. I will try to make it VISTA compatible if that is the case.
Edit: Added multiple targets to the syntax is /melee <monster1> <monster2> <monster3> ... etc.
Edit: ( I moved this to the first post to make it easier for people to find.
A modified Conquer.exe that loads Hooker.dll as if it was just another dll used by conquer like mfc42.dll.
/cast {Hex-Skill-Id} {Monster1} {Monster2} ...
Eg. /cast 3E9 Birdman will cast fire on birdman, u can get a sorta following monsters effect if u also use /melee Birdman with it. (It wont work for all skills, only those with a role id as a param)
some skill ids:
- 3E8: Thunder
- 3E9: Fire
- 3EA: Turnado
- 3ED: Cure
- 447: Stigma
- 497: Adv. Cure
- 41F: Heal Rain
- 492: Nectar
And /stopcast to stop casting
... ONE THING...
After you backup your old conquer.exe, you can copy the attached conquer.exe to your conquer folder, and also copy Hooker.dll into your conquer folder. And now when you run conquer, the hooker.dll will automatically load without the need of winject.exe . I recommend you still run conquer using Play.exe, that way when TQ patches the exe the bot will simply stop working and conquer will run fine (just normal w/o bot).
Antivir: Nothing found
ArcaVir: Nothing found
Avast: Nothing found
AVG: Nothing found
BitDefender: Nothing found
F-Prot: Nothing found
Norman: Nothing found
Rising: Nothing found
VirusBlokAda32: Nothing found
VirusBuster: Nothing found
Scanned by
This post is just a mess, i'm gonna tidy it up later.
Also, its now examination period, I will be studying for exams. I wont be able to update this much for a few weeks.... so i'll catch ya`s in a few weeks.
_fobos_: All those late nights finding functions together.
high6: His autofollower source code, for intercepting chat commands.
and anyone else who i forgot to mention...
Sorry for being an a$$ and not crediting u guys... u guys rock!
I will update this after MOUNTs are released (the horses), so that i only need to find new functions once instead of twice.