Originally Posted by SeeNi
Oh... weird it took them that long cause they were up for quite a bit of time.
That was an interesting case when I created that channel, I saw all the other channels being taken down and only mine wasn't, I didn't understand why that was happening, but after checking the events more carefully, I believe it was part of their plan
It's more likely that they had plans to collect information about the account being used in those videos (TOP 250 etc) and also to gather as many people as possible (since the channel was the biggest COD cheating channel at the time, with videos with 100K views etc)
That week when the channel was taken down and IW received C&D, they had a massive banwave planned on several other cheat providers (IW was also on Ricochet list, but Kolo managed to remove the detected build for public injection, fixing the detection and dodging another banwave)
They probably got mad when they saw that the banwave failed and they couldn't find out which account was being used and just decided to follow the standard protocol (take down the channel and send the C&D)
Fun fact: the account used in the TOP 250 videos is still fine