If a provider gets detected, that doesn't mean every other cheat got detected aswell. Personally didn't see any ban reports in the discord servers where i am.
TuringBot 0.2.0 - NEW Pokemon GO bot (Safe after Banwave) 08/29/2016 - Pokemon Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 3 Replies Here is another tutorial about Pokemon GO bot (download link is in the description)
-Pokestops farm
-Pokemons catch
-Huminized behaviour
-Snipe Pokemon
-Breeds eggs
-Transfer Pokemon
-Evolve Pokemon
New banwave for MMR boosting is here 07/16/2015 - League of Legends - 2 Replies Here's Rhojin with an announcement regarding MMR Boosting - when a player plays on another player's account with the intent to improve the account's match making rating - punishments that are going out:
"Hey Everyone,
Through past seasons we have been dedicated to the detection and punishment of players who have been involved in MMR Boosting in one way or another. Over the past seven months the Player Support Player Behavior team and Risk team have been working together on vast improvements...
New BanWave - July 06 2011 - 07/07/2011 - DarkOrbit - 56 Replies This week bigpoint identified "21.000" botusers. I didn't get ban, u?
Is there a new banwave ? 06/29/2011 - DarkOrbit - 27 Replies I see a lot of post who say i'm banned a new banwave have been realise ?
!ACHTUNG! BanWave! 05/20/2008 - World of Warcraft - 7 Replies Hallo Leute,
Blizzard hat wiedermal eine riesige Banwelle gegen Bots gestartet. Besonders betroffen ist der WoW!Glider von MMoglider.com. Vermutlich gab es geziehlt gegen diese Software ein vorgehen von Blizzards aus. Alles was immoment kursiert sind Gerüchte. Viele behaupten, dass die Lags der letzten Tage mit einem Wardenupdate zusammenhängen. Des weiteren lässt aus Erzählungen vermuten, dass Blizzard seit einigen Tagen/Wochen Bot-Accounts sammelt und Eng-Verwandte Accounts mit einbezieht....