Bleach Online GoGames 05/31/2021 - Browsergames Trading - 1 Replies Hi im selling my bleach online account for 150 euros
Its vip 6 close to vip 7 so its about 250 plus euros i have spent.
Im in eu07,rank in arena 5 with 230k bp and 79 lvl.
Im leader of the 2nd best and most active guild in that server.
[Selling] Bleach Online Account, ViP 8 08/21/2015 - Browsergames Trading - 1 Replies I want to sell my Account
Bleach Online
Level 70 376K BP Vip 8 (Soon 9 only need 2k Gold more)
Rank 2 in Arena and Rank 2 in BP, Rank 1 isnt Playing anymore so I'm rank 1
You also get 36k Gold in 3 Days from the ultimate charge event
[Selling] Bleach Online EU S71 01/12/2015 - Browsergames Trading - 0 Replies Hi all,
I want to sell my Bleach Online account here.
It´s on EU Server 71
I´m a VIP8, near to VIP9. I have invested about 2500$.
LVL 84
Zanpakuto: Zangetsu
Bleach Online 12/07/2014 - Browsergames - 5 Replies guys do anyone of you know hack or bot or something for this game
Thanks :):D
Bleach Online 11/27/2014 - General Gaming Discussion - 2 Replies Gibt es noch mehr solcher spiele die ähmnlich aufgebaut sind?
Es gab ma so ein naruto spiel das ist aber iwie verschwunden