Crash, crash, and more crash trying to log in 07/28/2010 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies When i try to log in i always put something heavy pressing the enter key but i get a crash after 10-15 min of trying to log in
Crash Crash Crash 07/27/2010 - SRO Private Server - 3 Replies When i try to log in with bot, after i log in, instant CRASH.
It is because of the traffic on ZSZC ? What should i do ?
Crash. Crash. Crash. Help? 10/30/2009 - Dekaron - 10 Replies Okay EPVPr's, I have a question for you.
Is anyone else having the 2moons/dekaron client crash on them as much as it is for me? I'll explain my full situation unlike alot of people on here(I'm sure most of you guy's know what i'm referring to :p)
I start 2Moons, login.
Usually on char select i'll open CE 5.5 from my "Up To Date" .CT file. Other times it will be "in map" depends on the situation as you all know. With as little as only one script activated(or even all) which most...