WTS aion kinah spatalos elyos 06/14/2010 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies As title remarks, WTS aion kinah spatalos elyos side with price lower than sites.
Scammers please dont lose you time.
Serios person please PM me.
[WTS] Kinah Spatalos Elyos 02/22/2010 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies I'm going to quit Aion, so I would like to sell the kinah I have on my characters.
Kinah: 20 million on SPATALOS ELYOS
Price: 7€ per million
I can make more kinah if I deconstruct my gear, which has gold items.
I can also sell my account: (make an offer)
Spatalos (elyos):
50 Cleric (449 armorsmith, 449 cooking, 399 gathering, 300 aether gathering, 2x Miragent, ...)
29 Assassin
WTB Spatalos/Elyos Kinah 12/28/2009 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies As title WTB spatalos/elyos kinah.
Need around 20m , paying through verified paypal.
Not buying from farmers
WTT Kinah from Elyos Spatalos to Elyos Perento! 12/03/2009 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Hello,
I want to trade between 5 - 10 million kinah from spatalos to perento, elyos side. I also have about 5 mil on asmodian kahrun which I would like to trade to elyos perento!
PM if interested!
WTS account with 55+mil kinah on Spatalos (Elyos) 12/01/2009 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies Hello
Like title says, I want sell account on Spatalos, Elyos side, with 55+ millions kinah on it.
Account is active from closed beta and playable till 3 january 2010.
There is sorcerer 32 lvl (388/399 extract vitality) and Ranger lvl 29+ (Handicrafting 399 with 1/2 expert quest made and Alchemy 399/399)
I selling now few items on broker worth around 3mil.
Main char for me was Sorc so he has quite good gear: