Like title says, I want sell account on Spatalos, Elyos side, with 55+ millions kinah on it.
Account is active from closed beta and playable till 3 january 2010.
There is sorcerer 32 lvl (388/399 extract vitality) and Ranger lvl 29+ (Handicrafting 399 with 1/2 expert quest made and Alchemy 399/399)
I selling now few items on broker worth around 3mil.
Main char for me was Sorc so he has quite good gear:
Detailed info on PM, or simply pm me your MSN email and i will add you to my MSN list.
I think this is very good offer for small guilds or individuals - if you buy this account you will have very good crafter account with big amount of kinah.
And, after recent bans, this is safest way to buy kinah. Instead of transfering kinah to your acc you can buy items you need and then transfer them.
Of course you can use this account as main too and lvl up chars
Fair price for me is 170 euro. I accept Western Union or bank transfer only (due PayPal scams). If you know any other way for safe transaction for both sides, please inform me.
I'm really honest man and looking for honest buyer.
Please fell free to contact me with any question.
Sorry for my bad english.