I would like to sell my 55 templar on Spatalos.
The account got 12 months rewards.
I am the original owner of this account and got all the information about it and i expect the same from you. The account have never been traded/sold or anything before.
The account got a 55 Elyos templar on spatalos
A 51 asmodian assasin on perento
Included alot of alts from lvl 10-20.
And a SM twink on spatalos lvl 31 full golden 25 gear.
The Templar got:
Debil GS
BT gold 3/5 shoulders,chest,gloves
SW 1/5 pants
3/5 Anuhart shoulders,boots and gloves
BT shield
Siel Mace
Siel Sword
The accessories are a mix of udas and BT golds and theo belt and 1 blue ring from Udas.
It also got dps gear which are 4/5 udas set stacked with crit and attack.
The assasin got:
A mix of 45 golds and x2 golden weps and a few golden accesories the rest is blue.
So PM me or leave a post.
Price is negoiable but i start at 50 euros so start bidding
PS: Its a big + if you are from the cold north norway;D
This link will send u to imageshack were there is a gallery of sceenshots of my chars.