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Discussion on AionScript within the Aion Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the Aion category.

Old 04/06/2016, 18:01   #46
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Originally Posted by AndyDe View Post
Anyone know something about that? or can share a working gathering lua?

This original OfficialGathering.lua, just enable use serum and modify line 524

Working normal


	Copyright (C) 2011 Blastradius

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
	Room For Improvement
	Check flight time and escape to a rest node when it becomes low.
	Check suspension and flight mode; do not stall in the air.
	Check interruptions in a path; other people might be screwing around.
	Basic Functionality
	1 	Check if we are currently busy or moving.
	2 	Check if we are currently on an action node.
	2.1	Find the best entity to gather at this position.
	2.2	Check if we are in a flying/resting state and abort it.
	2.3 Start gathering the entity we have found.
	3	Check if we are currently on a resting node.
	3.1	Check if the flight time, health and mana have been recovered.
	3.2	When this is not the case, disable flight and start resting.
	4	Check if we are allowed to move.
	4.1	Move to the next node in the travel list.

function OnLoad()

	Write( "Guide:,304.0.html" )
	Write( "" )

	GatherSettings = {
		-- Indicates whether or not to use active gathering, which gathers interesting nodes while *YOU* are playing.
		ActiveGathering = true,
		-- Indicates whether or not the use of serums to increase flight time is allowed.
		AllowSerumUsage = true,
		-- Indicates whether or not to suspend activity with an enemy player in the area.
		ProtectionEnemy = false,
		-- Indicates the action when ProtectionEnemy is true and an enemy is found. Console command, i.e. "/Skill Return" or "/Use Morheim Fortress Scroll".
		ProtectionEnemyEscape = "/Skill Return",
		-- Indicates whether or not to suspend activity with a friendly player in the area.
		ProtectionFriendly = false,
		-- Indicates whether or not action nodes are restricted, thus need to be waited at for a gatherable spawn.
		RestrictAction = false,
		-- Contains the name(s) of the gatherable(s) to gather. Example: {"Diamond", "Hintera"}
		RestrictGatherable = nil,
		-- Contains the maximum range in which to search for a gatherable.
		RestrictRange = 10,
		-- Indicates whether or not resting should be done after defending against an aggressive monster/player.
		RestAfterDefense = true,
		-- Indicates whether or not to inspect the next node to see if an aether node is available.
		SmartAetherTapping = false,
		-- Indicates whether or not to inspect the next node to see if a travel path has been interrupted.
		SmartGathering = false,
		-- If flight time becomes low, move to the next resting node (in ms).
		ReturnOnLowFighttime = 50000,
		-- when you died, for whatever reason log out
		LogoutOnDeath = false
	-- [OfficialGrinderFramework]: Include the OfficialGrinderFramework to defend when attacked.
	Framework = Include( "OfficialGrinderFramework/GrinderFramework.lua" );
	-- [OfficialGrinderFramework]: Include the OfficialGrinderFramework to set the initial travel position.
	Helper = Include( "OfficialGrinderFramework/HelperFunction.lua" );
	-- [OfficialGrinderFramework]: Force the boss-GatherSettings and modify the roles that are different.
	Settings.AllowAttack = true;
	Settings.Cleric.AllowAttack = true;

function OnFrame()
	if not Player:IsMoving() then
		if _IsMoving then
			_IsMoving = false;
		_IsMoving = true;

function OnRun()
	-- Check if the resurrect dialog is available and the button enabled, go back to town.
	if GatherSettings.LogoutOnDeath and DialogList:GetDialog( "resurrect_dialog" ):IsVisible() and DialogList:GetDialog( "resurrect_dialog/resurrect_ok" ):IsEnabled()	then
		DialogList:GetDialog( "resurrect_dialog/resurrect_ok" ):Click();
		_ForceLogout = true;
		return false;
	elseif GatherSettings.LogoutOnDeath and Player:GetHealth() == 0 then
		_ForceLogout = true;
		return false;
	-- Check if the ForceLogout value has been set, in which case we have to go.
	if _ForceLogout ~= nil and Player:GetHealth() > 0 then
		-- Wait until the alert dialog is shown before closing the script.
		if DialogList:GetDialog( "quit_alert_dialog" ):IsVisible() then
		-- Use the console to logout.
		PlayerInput:Console( "/Logout" );

	-- Perform nothing when the gathering dialog is visible, it means we are busy!
	if DialogList:GetDialog( "gathering_dialog" ):IsVisible() or DialogList:GetDialog( "captcha_dialog" ):IsVisible() then
	-- Check if the ForceLogout value has been set, in which case we have to go.
	if _ForceLogout ~= nil and not Player:IsBusy() then
		-- Wait until the alert dialog is shown before closing the script.
		if DialogList:GetDialog( "quit_alert_dialog" ):IsVisible() then
		-- Use the console to logout.
		PlayerInput:Console( "/Logout" );
	-- [OfficialGrinderFramework]: Check if a monster has selected you, and when it did, destroy it!
	Entity = Framework:FindTarget( true, Player:GetPosition());

	-- Check if the found entity is valid.
	if Entity ~= nil then
		-- Stop moving, it's time to kill!
		Player:SetMove( nil );
		-- Check if my target is correct, we have to target this enemy!
		if Player:GetTargetID() ~= Entity:GetID() then
			Player:SetTarget( Entity );

		-- Nuke him down (Or bash, whatever, really).
		need_resting = true;
		need_looting = Time() + 2000;
	-- After a fight, resting is necessary
	if need_resting then
		local loottarget = EntityList:GetEntity( Player:GetTargetID());
		if loottarget ~= nil and loottarget:IsDead() and need_looting >= Time() then
			PlayerInput:Ability( "Loot" );
			--if need_looting then
			--	PlayerInput:Ability( "Loot" );
			--	need_looting = false;
			if not GatherSettings.RestAfterDefense then
				need_resting = false;
				Framework._IsResting = true
				if not Framework._IsResting then
					need_resting = false;
	-- go to next resting node
	if not Player:IsMoving() and Player:IsFlying() and Player:GetFlightTimeCurrent() < GatherSettings.ReturnOnLowFighttime and not TravelList:GetCurrent():IsRest() then
	-- Check to see we are allowed to run the routine and to see if we are not currently busy.
	elseif not Player:IsBusy() and not Player:IsMoving() and ( _iTimer == nil or _iTimer < Time()) then
		-- Initialize the move variable which can be used by 
		local Move = false;
		-- Check if we have a wind serum that is allowed to be used at this point.
		if GatherSettings.AllowSerumUsage and Player:IsFlying() and not _FindSerum() then
		-- Check if we have either no travel list or the current node is an action node.
		if StartAetherCheck == nil and ( GatherSettings.ActiveGathering or TravelList == nil or TravelList:GetCurrent():IsAction()) then

			-- Retrieve the best gatherable entity and the suspension boolean.
			local Entity, Suspend = _FindEntity();

			-- Check if we are in the suspended state, in which case we should not be doing anything!
			if Suspend then
				if not Player:IsBusy() and GatherSettings.ProtectionEnemyEscape ~= nil then
					PlayerInput:Console( GatherSettings.ProtectionEnemyEscape );
					_ForceLogout = true;
				_iTimer = Time() + 1000;
			-- Reset the movement suspesion to be able to detect changes in the current action node and enforce waiting.
			if not GatherSettings.ActiveGathering and SuspendMove == nil and TravelList ~= nil and ( GatherSettings.RestrictAction or TravelList:GetCurrent():GetParam() == "Wait" ) and SuspendMove ~= TravelList:GetCurrent() then
				SuspendMove = true;
			-- Check if our current target is a gatherable, when using the active gathering mode!
			if Entity == nil and GatherSettings.ActiveGathering then
				-- Check if StartTarget has been set, in which case we need to target again!
				if StartTarget ~= nil then
					Entity = EntityList:GetEntity( StartTarget );
				-- Check if the entity is still clear, thus the StartTarget ID failed.
				if Entity == nil then
					-- Check if we have an entity selected.
					Entity = EntityList:GetEntity( Player:GetTargetID());
					-- Check if the entity is valid and is a gatherable!
					if Entity ~= nil and Entity:IsGatherable() then
						StartTarget = Entity:GetID();
					-- Otherwise clear the entity and StartTarget ID.
						StartTarget = nil;
						Entity = nil;
			-- Check if the retrieved entity is correct and we are not in a suspension state.
			if Entity ~= nil then
				-- Check and abort flying state when we are currently flying but this gatherable is not.
				if TravelList ~= nil and not TravelList:GetCurrent():IsFlying() and Player:IsFlying() then
					PlayerInput:Ability( 'Toggle Flight/Landing' );
				-- Check and abort resting state when we are currently resting.
				if Player:IsResting() then
					PlayerInput:Ability( 'Toggle Rest' );
				if _iTime == nil or _iTime < Time() then
					-- Check if we have set the correct target for this entity.
					if Player:GetTargetID() ~= Entity:GetID() then
						Player:SetTarget( Entity );
					-- Otherwise initiate gathering using the attack ability.
						_iTime = Time() + 2000;
						if TravelList ~= nil then
							SuspendMove = TravelList:GetCurrent();
			-- Check if we have gathered all the resources that are nearby, then we need to move.
			if Entity == nil and ( SuspendMove == nil or SuspendMove == TravelList:GetCurrent()) then
				Move = true;
				SuspendMove = nil;
		-- Check if a gathering list has been loaded!
		if TravelList ~= nil then

			-- Check if a travel list has been loaded and if this is a movement node.
			if TravelList:GetCurrent():IsMove() or StartAetherCheck ~= nil then
				Move = true;
			-- Check if a travel list has been loaded and if this is a resting node.
			if TravelList:GetCurrent():IsRest() then
				-- Check if the flight time, mana and health has been completely recovered.
				if Player:GetFlightTimeCurrent() == Player:GetFlightTimeMaximum()
					and Player:GetManaCurrent() == Player:GetManaMaximum()
					and Player:GetHealthCurrent() == Player:GetHealthMaximum() then
					Move = true;
				-- Check if flying mode is still enabled, in which case we need to land.
				elseif Player:IsFlying() ~= TravelList:GetCurrent():IsFlying() then
					PlayerInput:Ability( 'Toggle Flight/Landing' );
				-- Check if we are currently resting, otherwise sit down to rest.
				elseif not Player:IsResting() and not TravelList:GetCurrent():IsFlying() then
					PlayerInput:Ability( 'Toggle Rest' );
				-- Otherwise we must reset the movement state.
					Move = false;
			-- Check if a travel list has been loaded and we need to move.
			if Move then
				-- Check if smart aether tapping is enabled and we are not flying.
				if GatherSettings.SmartAetherTapping then
					-- Retrieve the next node to get the position on which we need to scan.
					if StartAetherCheck == nil then
						StartAetherCheck = TravelList:GetNext();
					-- Check if the next node is an action node, is flying and has no entity, in which case we need to wait for spawn.
					if StartAetherCheck:IsAction() and StartAetherCheck:IsFlying() then
						if Player:IsResting() then
							PlayerInput:Ability( 'Toggle Rest' );
						elseif _FindEntity() == nil then
						elseif not Player:IsFlying() then
							PlayerInput:Ability( 'Toggle Flight/Landing' );
							StartAetherCheck = nil;
						StartAetherCheck = nil;
				-- Move to the next node.
function _DoGather()
	if Player:IsFlying() then
		return PlayerInput:Console( "/Skill Aethertapping" );
	elseif Player:GetWorld() == 220010000 or Player:GetWorld() == 210010000 then
		return PlayerInput:Console( "/Skill Collection" );
		return PlayerInput:Console( "/Skill Essencetapping" );

--- Finds the best gatherable entity within the configured parameters.
--  [MENTION=326673]return[/MENTION]	Entity, boolean

function _FindEntity()

	-- Prepare the variables for the list and best entity match.
	local List = EntityList:GetList();
	local BestEntity = nil;
	local BestDistance = 0;

	-- Retrieve the position from which the maximum range is checked.
	local CheckPosition = _FindPosition();
	-- Retrieve the name restriction (when gathering specific types of entities).
	local CheckRestriction = _FindRestriction();
	-- Check if we should loop through the entities to find players.
	if GatherSettings.ProtectionEnemy or GatherSettings.ProtectionFriendly then

		-- Loop through the available entities to find players we want to avoid.
		for ID, Entity in DictionaryIterator( List ) do

			-- Check if this is player that is not my own character, in which case we will abort.
			if Entity:IsPlayer() and Entity:GetID() ~= Player:GetID() and (( GatherSettings.ProtectionEnemy and Entity:IsHostile()) or ( GatherSettings.ProtectionFriendly and Entity:IsFriendly())) then
				return nil, true;

	-- Loop through the available entities to find gatherables entities.
	for ID, Entity in DictionaryIterator( List ) do

		-- Initialize the validation boolean for this gatherable.
		local Valid = true;
		-- Check if this entity is a gatherable and has not been gathered yet.
		if Entity:IsGatherable() 
			and not Entity:IsDead() 
			and ( CheckRestriction == nil or string.len( CheckRestriction ) == 0 or CheckRestriction ~= Entity:GetName())
			and ( GatherSettings.RestrictGatherable == nil or in_table( Entity:GetName(), GatherSettings.RestrictGatherable )) then
			-- Loop through the available entities to find characters gathering this entity.
			for IDCheck, EntityCheck in DictionaryIterator( List ) do
				-- Check if this is a player and is gathering the entity we are interested in.
				if EntityCheck:IsPlayer() and Player:GetID() ~= EntityCheck:GetID() and Entity:GetID() == EntityCheck:GetTargetID() and EntityCheck:GetPosition():DistanceToPosition( Entity:GetPosition()) < 3 then -- and EntityCheck:IsBusy() then
					Valid = false;
			-- Check if this entity is valid and is close enough to start gathering on.
			if Valid and CheckPosition:DistanceToPosition( Entity:GetPosition()) < GatherSettings.RestrictRange then
				-- Calculate the distance from the player to the found entity.
				local CurrentDistance = Player:GetPosition():DistanceToPosition( Entity:GetPosition());
				-- Check if this entity is closer to the player then the previous and save it when it is.
				if BestEntity == nil or BestDistance > CurrentDistance then
					BestDistance = CurrentDistance;
					BestEntity = Entity;


	-- Return the best entity match we have found.
	return BestEntity, false;

--- Finds the position from which the maximum range is checked.
--  [MENTION=326673]return[/MENTION]	Vector3D

function _FindPosition()

	-- Assign the starting position on the first request.
	if TravelList == nil and StartPosition == nil then
		StartPosition = Player:GetPosition();
	-- When ActiveGathering has been enabled, always use the current position.
	if GatherSettings.ActiveGathering then
		return Player:GetPosition();
	-- Check if a travel list has been loaded and return the current node position.
	if TravelList ~= nil then
		return TravelList:GetCurrent():GetPosition();
	-- Return the initial starting position.
	return StartPosition;

--- Finds the name restriction (when gathering specific types of entities).
--  [MENTION=326673]return[/MENTION]	string

function _FindRestriction()
	-- Check if the travel list has been loaded, otherwise use the GatherSettings.
	--if TravelList == nil then
	--	return GatherSettings.RestrictGatherable;
	-- Check if this is an action node and return the parameter.
	if TravelList ~= nil and TravelList:GetCurrent():IsAction() and TravelList:GetCurrent():GetParam() ~= "Wait" then
		return TravelList:GetCurrent():GetParam();
	-- Nothing has applied so return nil for no restriction.
	return nil;

--- Finds a wind serum in the inventory and uses it when required.
--  [MENTION=326673]return[/MENTION]	string

function _FindSerum()

	-- Prepare the variables to contain the best item and recharge.
	local BestInventory = nil;
	local BestRecharge = 0;
	local TotalRecharge = Player:GetFlightTimeMaximum() - Player:GetFlightTimeCurrent();
	-- Check if the serum is allowed again, using a timer to avoid linked-cooldown issues.
	if _iSerumTime == nil or _iSerumTime < Time() then
		-- Loop through your inventory
		for Inventory in ListIterator( InventoryList:GetList()) do

			-- Check if this is a wind serum.
--			if Inventory:GetType():ToString() == "Potion" and string.find( Inventory:GetName(), "Wind Serum" ) ~= nil and Inventory:GetCooldown() == 0 then
			if Inventory:GetType():ToString() == "Material" and string.find( Inventory:GetName(), "Wind Serum" ) ~= nil and Inventory:GetCooldown() == 0 then
				if string.find( Inventory:GetName(), "Lesser" ) ~= nil and TotalRecharge >= 12000 and BestRecharge < 12000 then
					BestInventory = Inventory;
					BestRecharge = 12000;
				elseif string.find( Inventory:GetName(), "Greater" ) ~= nil and TotalRecharge >= 36000 and BestRecharge < 36000 then
					BestInventory = Inventory;
					BestRecharge = 36000;
				elseif string.find( Inventory:GetName(), "Major" ) ~= nil and TotalRecharge >= 48000 and BestRecharge < 48000 then
					BestInventory = Inventory;
					BestRecharge = 48000;
				elseif string.find( Inventory:GetName(), "Fine" ) ~= nil and TotalRecharge >= 60000 and BestRecharge < 60000 then
					BestInventory = Inventory;
					BestRecharge = 60000;
				elseif TotalRecharge >= 24000 and BestRecharge < 24000 then
					BestInventory = Inventory;
					BestRecharge = 24000;

		-- Check if we have a positive match and see if the cooldown allows the use of it.
		if BestInventory ~= nil then
			PlayerInput:Inventory( BestInventory:GetName());
			_iSerumTime = Time() + BestInventory:GetReuse();
			return false;
	-- We have not executed any potion.
	return true;

function in_table( e, t )
	if t ~= nil then
		for _, v in pairs( t ) do
			if ( v == e ) then
				return true;
	return false
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Old 04/15/2016, 02:16   #47
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I don't understand why say me this...

¿Where i can check if my game is running in 32-64 bits?

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Old 04/15/2016, 09:41   #48

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- First Update your Game

After this Launch Game in 32 Bit Version

Create a .bat file

@echo off
start "" "Path to Aion\bin32\aion.bin" -ip:xxxxxxx -port:xxxxx -cc:2 -noauthgg -ls -charnamemenu -lang:eng
If you play Gameforge use this IP and Port

-ip: -port:2106
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Old 04/23/2016, 08:13   #49
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Does this tool offer packet sniffing for 5.0?
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Old 04/23/2016, 10:28   #50

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Originally Posted by luthien13 View Post
Does this tool offer packet sniffing for 5.0?
For packet Sniffing use l2phx
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Old 04/23/2016, 13:46   #51
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Hey . The program works , but wants to run the script from the craft that nothing happens .
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Old 04/23/2016, 14:04   #52
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Thanks so much for this awoesome feature man seriosuly my ping is way too high and with no anim is the only way i can play this game against the guys with 10 ping, thank you so much.

hey man how that i disable crl q and ctrl e binds ? i cant find at all

ooh nvm i got it
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Old 04/23/2016, 18:34   #53
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Good work man, yes Blast really has neglected us. Thank you very much for this
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Old 04/24/2016, 13:22   #54
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The crafting bot doesn't work with Handcrafting and Cooking ( the only 2 that i've tried ).
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Old 04/24/2016, 16:38   #55
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Originally Posted by Blasters96 View Post
The crafting bot doesn't work with Handcrafting and Cooking ( the only 2 that i've tried ).
it may be outdated, these crafting scripts are 3 years old already
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Old 04/27/2016, 10:43   #56
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that aionscript version is already working for the upcoming eu patch [4.9.1] ?
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Old 04/27/2016, 13:28   #57
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Originally Posted by alexis6166 View Post
that aionscript version is already working for the upcoming eu patch [4.9.1] ?
no, i'll make update after end of maintenance

check first post, update is available
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Old 04/27/2016, 23:03   #58
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thanks alot really!

<> - seems to have any problem with autoloot feature while using grinderframework, it works perfectly if going to loot the mob manually but while farming with the grinder script it doesn't try to loot at all letting the mobs on floor [ofc with autoloot pet it will not get some kind of items like bundle etc], didnt had that kind of problem with previous version of your AS so maybe I need to 'fix' something manually into settings of grinder.script?
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Old 04/28/2016, 20:59   #59
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with the new update does not work the script. Can anyone tell me where to download the update for it to work?
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Old 04/28/2016, 21:39   #60
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Originally Posted by cellularace View Post
with the new update does not work the script. Can anyone tell me where to download the update for it to work?
check the first post of this topic - the link with the fix is already here.

just need to find out a fix about the autoloot feature [at least i need only this xd] with grinder.framework, i tried to find out myself something but still nothing
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