its very easy "LuckyEnchantHack"
U need 2 (two) cards for change name. First use rename cards and name gear to "sql*****", use only 1 (one) enchant card to your weapon.
Now you have weapon E40
Change name back by second rename card and you are clear
[share]new enchant hack 04/15/2010 - Lin2 Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 6 Replies so you nead to taka tha wappon end bay the enchants and put thet wite thae wappon in thae invantari
than you kilik on thae skrol enchabt and you plase it tare and it enchant it
vidio : Tales of Fantasy - Capture Beasts Conquer Worlds
l2 enchant bot/hack 11/12/2009 - General Coding - 1 Replies hey guys. im looking for a bot/hack that will automatically enchant items. its a private server, newest L2 part. items dont break when enchanting, money isnt a problem, i just want it to 'use' the enchanting scroll, click on the weapon, click 'cancel' and then do it over and over again. and an option to save the items that are already like +15 or something. have any of you heard of anything like this? pls, any help at all would be great.
L2 Enchant Hack? 02/28/2009 - Lineage 2 - 5 Replies Hallo,
Ich wollte mal Fragen ob es einen Enchant Hack gibt mit dem man sich Waffen und Rüstungen Enchanten kann.
(Und wenn Läuft der dann auch auf ?)
Danke schon mal im Voraus
Sicher enchant/// Perfckt enchant 03/17/2007 - Lineage 2 - 6 Replies kann mir einer einen richtig guten enchant trick sagen/// Everybody knows a very good enchnat trick?
*edit* for c5? Germanl2
Weap Enchant hack? 07/08/2005 - Lineage 2 - 3 Replies Sorry this is in English,
Does anyone have any info on Enchant weapon hack to get high +numbers
I heard you have to try it right before a server restart within 30 seconds if it passes u log out. IF it fails and crystalizes you wait for server to discounect you and it doesnt save.