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Crimson Games is working with elitepvpers to give away diamond pack keys for their new game called Pirate Crusaders. With the provided key you'll receive 170 diamonds ($20 USD worth).

You can redeem the key following this guide after registration at the official site. The diamonds will be sent to your ingame mail.


What is Pirate Crusaders?

The game is named Pirate Crusaders and it's currently in open beta.
Pirate Crusaders is a Free to Play Browser Based MMORPG. The game has a
turn based Naval Fleet battle system.

The game is divided into two camps (Pirates and Crusaders).
You can fight for your chosen camp in "Camp War" but can only join a
Legion within the same camp.

The main objective of the game is to form a fleet which consists of your
recruited captains, each leading their own vessel to accompany you in
your quest to being the greatest captain.

There are more than 40+ recruitable captains and variety of pet
companions which will aid you in battle. You can also manufacture a wide
range of ships.

The game provides different in-game PVE features, such as challenging
dungeons, conquering different islands, World Boss and City Invasion.

It also offers extensive PVP (Player vs Player) like Arena, Pet Combat
Arena, Player Killing (PK) System, Camp War, Legion War, World League
and Cross Server League.



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