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GM Commands/Befehle

Discussion on GM Commands/Befehle within the WoW Private Server forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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Old   #1
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Number beside each command is the minimum P-Level required to use a command.
Letter(s) beside some commands indicates the command requires a selected object:


T = All Targets
N = NPC (Non Player Characters)
P = PC
S = SpawnPoint
G = GameObject


Informational Commands:

0 | .HELP [Command] - Displays command list, and help about [Command] if it is specified.
0 | .WHERE - Displays map and zone number, coordinates x,y,z and orientation h
2 | .INFO - Displays selected object info (T)
2 | .FACTION - Displays selected object faction (N,P)
2 | .ONLINE - Displays connected players count on server
4 | .TARGETGO - Selects nearest gameobject and displays its info (selection will not be visible)
4 | .TARGETLINK - Select spawnpoint for currently selected NPC - i.e. if spawn is unreachable,
you can select its NPC then .targetlink and call for spawn to .come
2 | .PINGMM - Displays selected NPC on mini map (T)
2 | .LISTSP - List of learned spells (P)
2 | .LISTSK - List of learned skills (P)

Creation Commands:

4 | .ADD <ItemID> [Amount=1] - Add [Amount] items to your backpack
4 | .ADDNPC <CreatureID> - Add paralysed NPC at your location with your orientation
4 | .ADDGO <GameObjectID> - Add gameobject at your location with your orientation
4 | .ADDSPAWN - Add empty spawn if called without parameters
4 | .ADDSPAWN [CreatureID] [Number=1] - Add a spawnpoint that spawns [Number] of specified creature

Deletion/Kill Commands:

2 | .DEL - Delete selected object (your reputation not changed) (T)
4 | .KILL - Kill selected NPC (your reputation decreased) (N)
4 | .KILLALLNPC - Kill all NPC around you
4 | .DELALLCORP - Delete all player dead bodies

NPC/Objects Manipulation:

4 | .TURN - Turns NPC/Spawn to look at you (N,S)
4 | .COME - Asks selected NPC/spawn to come to you (N,S)
4 | .SETLEVEL <Level> - Sets level for NPC/player (N,P)
4 | .SETMODEL <Model> - Sets model for NPC/player (N,P)
5 | .SETNPCFLAGS <Flags> - Sets the NPC to hostile or friendly, 4 is Merchant etc... (N)
4 | .SETSIZE <Size> - Sets size for model of NPC (N)
4 | .SETSPEED <Speed> - Sets speed for animation and movement of selected NPC (N,P)
4 | .PARALYSE - Paralyse or free selected NPC (N)
4 | .MOVE - Moves targeted gameobject (selection not visible on screen) relative to its current X Y Z (G)
4 | .ROTATE - Rotates NPC. (N)

Spawn Control:
4 | .SETSPAWNNPC <CreatureID> [Number] - Sets NPC id and (optional) amount to be spawned (S)
4 | .SETSPAWNGO <GameObjectID> - Sets gameobject to be spawned (S)
4 | .SETSPAWNDIST <min> [max] - Sets spawn radius (or two radii min and max) (S)
4 | .SETSPAWNTIME <min> [max] - Sets interval (or two intervals min and max) to spawn new NPC/gameobject instead of killed one (S)
6 | .EXPORTSPAWNSXY <map> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <filename> - Exports rectangular world area to file
6 | .DELSPAWNSXY <Map> <X1> <Y1> <X2> <Y2> - Remove spawnpoints in rectangle
6 | .DELSPAWNS - Remove all spawnpoints in current zone
6 | .RESPAWNALL - Respawn all spawnable objects or NPCs
6 | .CLEANUP - Remove all spawned objects or NPCs

Characters Commands:

2 | .RESURRECT - Restores target spirit or body to life. (P)
6 | .EXPORTCHAR <PlayerName> <FileName> - Exports character to separate file
6 | .IMPORTCHAR <FileName> - Loads character from separate file.
4 | .LEARN <SpellID> - Cause targetted player to learn spell (P)
4 | .DELSP <SpellID> - Cause targetted player to forget spell (P)
4 | .UNLEARN <SpellID> - Same as .DELSP (P)
4 | .LEARNSK <SkillID> [SkillLevel] [MaxLevel=SkillLevel] - Cause targetted player to learn skill
(many skills cannot be learned): to learn a weapon skill, use .learnsk <SkillID> 230 300;
to learn an armor skill, use .learnsk <SkillID> 1 1.
Can also be used to change the proficiency of an existing skill.
4 | .DELSK <SkillID> - Cause targetted player to forget skill (P)
4 | .UNLEARNSK <SkillID> - Same as .DELSK (P)
4 | .CLEARREP - Clears all reputation changes for target. (P)
0 | .DISMOUNT - Dismounts you in case you are stuck
4 | .SETXP <XP> - Sets Experience Points for target player (P)
4 | .SETCP <TalentPoints> - Sets Talent Points for target player (P)
4 | .KICK - Kicks player off server

Teleportation Commands:

2 | .GO <Map> [X=0] [Y=0] [Z=0] - Teleport to (map x y z) coordinates.
If X, Y, Z are left out, they are assumed 0. DO NOT forget map parameter!

2 | .GOTRIGGER <TriggerID> - Teleport to trigger number
2 | .GONAME <PlayerName> - Teleport to player by name
2 | .GOGUID <ObjectGUID> - Teleport to object by GUID
2 | .NAMEGO <PlayerName> - Teleport named player to you

Server Control Commands:

6 | .SAVE - Save world and players
6 | .SHUTDOWN - Save World, PP, Players and quits server
6 | .RETCL - Reloads all tcl scripts
6 | .RESCP - Reloads all SCP databases
6 | .REHASH - Rehashes objects
2 | .CLEARQFLAGS - Clears all quest progress, including finished quests
4 | .BROADCAST <Message> - Sends Message to every connected player as a System Message

Debug Cmmands (Don't play with these):

6 | .PPON - Turns on pathpoint collection
6 | .PPOFF - Turns off pathpoint collection
6 | .BYTES - For debug
6 | .ADDDYN - For debug
2 | .STARTTIMER - For debug
2 | .STOPTIMER <TimerID:0..2> - Stop timer visuals
6 | .TEST - For debug
2 | .SETAURA <AuraID> - Set aura by number
4 | .EXPLORATION <ZoneID> <Mask> - Opens your map locations (?)
6 | .FLAG1 - For debug
2 | .SETRESTSTATE <NewRestState:0..5> - Set new rest state for testing
6 | .SETFLAGS <FlagsType> <Flags> - Set flags bitmask for target (N,P,G)
6 | .GFLAGS <GFlags> - Set gflags for selected gameobject (T)
6 | .GTYPE <GType> - Set gtype for selected gameobject

Honor System:

5 | .SETHONOR <Points> - Set honor points for targetted player (P)
5 | .ADDHONOR <Points> - Add honor points to targetted player (P)
5 | .RESHONOR <Points> - Remove honor points from targetted player (P)
5 | .DELHONOR - Sets honor points to 0 for selected player (P)
0 | .GETHONOR - Get targetted player's honor points. (P)
0 | .GETRANK - Get targetted player's honor rank.

Jail System:

0 | .FREE - If your time is up, then use this command to get out of jail. (P)
4 | .JAIL <Days> <Hours> <Minutes> - Jail selected player for specified amount of time.
Using this command on a jailed player will change the amount of time the character is jailed for.
4 | .UNJAIL [PlayerName] - Unjail selected player, or player specified in PlayerName argument.

Autorescue System:

0 | .STARTRESCUE - Begin autorescue countdown. Wait at least 5 minutes, then use .autorescue to be teleported home.
0 | .AUTORESCUE - Teleport home; use .startrescue first.

Here is the complete .Go List:

Here is the complete Skills List:

Here is the complete Spells List:

Here is the complete Item List:

Remember, not every Command works on every Server/Emulator!
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Old 11/17/2005, 16:05   #2
elite*gold: 0
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ehm du weisst schon dass das bei jedem emu anders is, oder?
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Old 11/17/2005, 16:51   #3
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Alle Emus die ich getested habe, sind sie gleich, falls wer welche für nen bestimmten brauch dann soll ers halt sagen :X
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Old 11/20/2005, 03:22   #4
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So, List is finished now, wow already 3:30 now, im going to bed now!
Have fun with it, hope it helps someone
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Old 11/24/2005, 08:20   #5
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kann mir plz einer sagen wie ich Onyxia oder Ragnaros spawnen alssen kann?
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Old 11/24/2005, 09:57   #6
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Originally posted by Alphazero@Nov 24 2005, 08:20
kann mir plz einer sagen wie ich Onyxia oder Ragnaros spawnen alssen kann?
mit .addnpc <ID>

Die Ids holt man sich aus diversen Listen oder ich gehe auch ab und zu auf dort einfach den gewünschten mob eingeben und oben in der addy steht dann die ID.
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Old 11/24/2005, 10:03   #7
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Steht da auch von Items?
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Old 11/24/2005, 13:51   #8
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Suchfunktion? Gleich rechts neben Help
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Old 11/27/2005, 20:07   #9
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ich hab mirn GM tool geholt^^

da stehn alle items dies gibt und du musst nur auf add drücken und das ding is in deinem inventar

geht auch mit mobs^^ die sind dann aba vor dir
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Old 11/30/2005, 19:34   #10
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Originally posted by >!Aaron!<@Nov 27 2005, 20:07
ich hab mirn GM tool geholt^^

da stehn alle items dies gibt und du musst nur auf add drücken und das ding is in deinem inventar

geht auch mit mobs^^ die sind dann aba vor dir
und wohe rbeckomm ich das gm tool?

Edit: | Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden
Edit die zweite: unter der suchfunktion nichts gefunden
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Old 12/05/2005, 03:35   #11
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Weis jemand den Befehl wie ich den Ruf erhöhe ?

mfg joke
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Old 12/05/2005, 08:05   #12
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die Befehle für das Honorsystem, ".sethonor" ect funktionieren nich bei mir auf der 1.8.0 version (siehe den Tutorial-Thread von Hrhr-Haha) und bei dem Befehl ".setfaction" weiß ich nicht was für IDs es gibt. Wenn ich einfach nur ".setfaction" eingebe bin Ich direkt bei allen hated (Warsong, Alterac, Arathi unter anderem).

Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich es richtig handhabe und warum die Honorsystem-Befehle nicht funktionieren..vllt sind es ja auch nur die falschen.

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Old 12/05/2005, 13:34   #13
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Sind alle richtig, aber wiegesagt, nicht jede Fuktion geht bei jedem Emulator!
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Old 12/06/2005, 10:36   #14
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bin grad in der schule deswegenb kann ich das jezz nich hochladen ... aba mein pc is im *****..

ich kanns ja hochladen wenn ich ihn wieder heil gekriegt hab

aba sucht ma "Dr. Hacker"... ich glaub der hat ne seite .. da mussu den server emu von dem runterladen, und da is es drin
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Old 12/17/2005, 12:23   #15
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kann es sein, dass .learnsk <id> ned mit dem raidens repack klappt?!
ich hab schon alles versucht O_o klappt aber ned...

und wo bekommt man z.B. die liste für die einzelnen spells her? z.B. feuerball rank 10 ?!
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