Help, i can't create a name, for the job 07/02/2010 - Silkroad Online - 3 Replies well... that is my problem i tried with alot of names and still can't create a name for my job suit... :$
already tried with english pk2, and russian pk2, with russian keyboard... but nothing...
any1 have an idea what is wrong ?
Create A Dll 08/19/2009 - GunZ - 10 Replies DLL MAKER 2.0!
Gunz Dll Maker By uijuk
Put the .Dll Maker in the C://Ijji/English/Gunz Section on Your Computer.
Open Up His Dll Maker
Select Gunz.exe
Acc create? 02/11/2008 - Dekaron Exploits, Hacks, Bots, Tools & Macros - 4 Replies Seeking a site where a man acc for 2moons psever can make
pls posten :D