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Level 1-10 instantly

Discussion on Level 1-10 instantly within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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lvl 1 to 10 by killing Omen with raid groups

*UPDATE* "Busdriver - Best way to do it is die and wait for him to get down so you don't have the 20 minute timer for dying from the AOE effect."

-Create Character
-Search to see how many people are at the Lunar Festival, if there is a lot go there and join a raid group (Most likely get your guild to go).
-Use a couple ranged attacks before they kill him, or just get 1 hit on him, even if it's resist. (Dont' think you actually have to do this b/c in your raid group or not, still learning WOW)
-Wait till "Omen" dies from the Hundred or so people killing him.
-Stand in the light, get quest item
-Go talk to the guy you normaly get the quest from and turn in the quest you could not normally do.

*I have personally not done this yet, but a guild member did this last weekend and went from lvl 1 to lvl 10*

You can't get the quest at lvl 1, but there is a bug where if you stand in the light you can get the quest item or something and be able to turn it in for 85K Xp or something around there. I'm going to do this will all my toons this weekend before they fix it. If anyone needs to correct me on the process for this please let me know so I can change it, thank you in advance.


P.S. - Be careful not to get flagged why you are there, I've noticed that the Alliance has a gank squad running around killing all the overts when we are trying to kill Omen. I think it's really uncool to do things like this when we are trying to do a combined effort to kill Omen. You'll attack Omen and they'll come up behind you. Either that or they get the low levle guys to try and duel you then the other guys come out of the bushes to just own you. I guess they feel powerful wehn they are a 60 killing a 35, oh well. Just be advised that they like to do sneaky stuff like this instead of actually trying to kill Omen.
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Old 02/09/2006, 12:23   #2
elite*gold: 0
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in 1.9.3 they nerfed the xp from the first part of the quest to only 650
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