[Proyect] - ?reeDoom o? Decursive - 0% done - Burning Crusade
As you may have already hear, most addons in Burning Crusade will be incompatible and broken. When the moment comes Ill make the resurrection of Decursive like it was working in WoW. The new Lua programming wont be a problem cuz I wont use it
\-The tool
The new decursive wont be legal, it will use autochecks of personal buffs, curses... to send to a common wow channel the required messages to work like the original decursive.
0. the raid makes a new common channel named "curse_chan1"
the new created channel is the number 8 for PLayer 1.
1. Autoit super fast script - detects PLayer 1 has curse.
2. Autoit script sends "curse" to "curse_chan1"
that means player1 will automaticaly send that word to the custom channel:
"/8 curse"
3. The healers on the raid will automaticaly listening to that channel and will get a new list with the current cursed players.
3.1 the healers must be able to dispell very fast with the new list available (hard part).
3.2 both the player cursed and healer which dispelled the curse will send a new word saying the curse on that played has been cleaned. (still thinking on how is gonna work).
4. the lastest Cleaned people is automaticaly updated on the curses list of the healers.
- It must be very fast and all the raid must have it in order to work properly.
- As the maximum number of players in high instances has been reduced it will save a lot of time.
- TODO** It can interfere with your actual gameplay into the game because you will be sending words to a channel in the moments where you are cursed. (if u are speaking Autoit must detect it and push enter, and send the word.
- The program can be done without interfering the game, with direct IP connection using a common server where u could handle all the messages, but thats another story heheh :P
more soon, comments and questions are welcome