Chat filter?? 04/19/2010 - Diablo 2 Programming - 8 Replies hallo erst mal und guten abend
also was ich suche ist ein chatfilter fürs ingame
das wenn jemand z.b. sagt: its a bot
dann filtert er das wort bot raus und antwortet drauß
mit was weiß ich z.b. nah sry i am not a bot :)
wenns sowas nicht gibt wäre schön wenn jemand sowas erstellen könnte
mfg kas
Gah, help with chat filter. 04/22/2009 - Conquer Online 2 - 4 Replies For some reason my chat filter is enabled.. I can't disable it.. I've tryed deleting the chatfilter.ini or whatever it was called, but I'm still filtered.
Does anyone know how to disable this?
About the Chat filter 06/06/2008 - Cabal Online - 0 Replies Delete this post please...
Chat Filter 09/21/2007 - Dekaron - 1 Replies Has anyone tried to bypass this or get around it yet? It is definetly client side and not server side. When I had not logged out yet after the update I could talk with ... and www while others in my party could not. Kind of stating the obvious, but just curious if anyone has looked into this at all??