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Warrock Addys

Discussion on Warrock Addys within the WarRock Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the WarRock category.

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Old   #1
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Warrock Addys

g_pAdr.ADR_PLAYERPOINTER = 0x00D4A730;
g_pAdr.ADR_SERVERBASE = 0x00C46960;
g_pAdr.ADR_BASEPOINTER = 0x00C7F708;
g_pAdr.ADR_WEAPONBASE = 0x00C46A04;
g_pAdr.ADR_REMOTEVEH = 0x00BD3328;
g_pAdr.ADR_GPUPOINTER = 0x00BCC640;
g_pAdr.ADR_ANGLES = 0x00BCC63C;
g_pAdr.OFS_WEAPONSIZE = 0x00001568;
g_pAdr.OFS_SERSLOTBASE = 0x00101000;
g_pAdr.OFS_SLOTBASE = 0x000FFE30;
g_pAdr.OFS_STRUCT_SIZE = 0x00001CF0;
g_pAdr.OFS_FORCEKICK = 0x000F99B8;
g_pAdr.ADR_MOVETOLOBBY = 0x0054ECA0;
g_pAdr.ADR_STARTROOM = 0x0044EEA0;
g_pAdr.ADR_SERVERCOUNT = 0x00C66A58;
g_pAdr.ADR_ALLSERVERS = 0x00557FFB;
g_pAdr.ADR_ENGINETEXT = 0x005A25B0;
g_pAdr.ADR_STAMINAHACK = 0x00A579BC;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOGRAVWEAP = 0x00A59D58;
g_pAdr.ADR_BACKTOLOBBY = 0x0054E4B0;
g_pAdr.ADR_QUICKPLANT = 0x005904D4;
g_pAdr.ADR_QUICKDEFUSE = 0x00527864;//NOT FOUND
g_pAdr.ADR_OXIGEN = 0x0058227D;
g_pAdr.ADR_QUICKSPAWN1 = 0x00C0075C;
g_pAdr.ADR_QUICKSPAWN2 = 0x00C00760;
g_pAdr.ADR_RADARGPS = 0x0062E3A2;
g_pAdr.ADR_FFAGPS = 0x0062E3C5;
g_pAdr.ADR_VEHRADARGPS = 0x0062E861;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOWATER = 0x00BD3430;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOWATER2 = 0x00BD3434;
g_pAdr.ADR_SNOSPREAD = 0x0058D36D;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOSPREAD = 0x00A59E10;
g_pAdr.ADR_BULLETS = 0x0058D617;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOBOUNDS1 = 0x00BF7ACC;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOBOUNDS2 = 0x00BF7AC8;
g_pAdr.ADR_SCOPE = 0x00AEF120;
g_pAdr.ADR_SCOPESIZE = 0x00AEF128;
g_pAdr.ADR_CROSSMEM = 0x00BD09E0;//
g_pAdr.ADR_CROSSASM = 0x005FDD35;
g_pAdr.ADR_TRIGGER = 0x005FDD85;
g_pAdr.ADR_MESPNAMES = 0x006050B6;
g_pAdr.ADR_MESPHEALTH = 0x00603116;
g_pAdr.ADR_NORELOAD = 0x0059CDFC;
g_pAdr.ADR_SPEED = 0x00A6743C;
g_pAdr.ADR_NOAFK = 0x00BF7AC0;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOAMMO = 0x00582D25;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOAMMO2 = 0x00582DC0;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOMEDIC = 0x00582D59;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOMEDIC2 = 0x00582F29;
g_pAdr.ADR_WTW = 0x008BEF10;
g_pAdr.ADR_STW = 0x006D5746;
g_pAdr.ADR_WUW = 0x005821EA;
g_pAdr.ADR_ROOMNAMERES = 0x0061BA7A;
g_pAdr.ADR_NORESTRIC = 0x0056C467;
g_pAdr.ADR_UNLAMMO = 0x00589E60;
g_pAdr.ADR_PRONECQC = 0x00AEF110;
g_pAdr.ADR_UAMMO = 0x00BDCF5C;
g_pAdr.ADR_IMDRUNK = 0x00BFC8E0;
g_pAdr.ADR_STAMINAUP1 = 0x00426479;
g_pAdr.ADR_STAMINAUP2 = 0x004264D9;
g_pAdr.ADR_ASMBANDAGES = 0x004977AC;
g_pAdr.ADR_ASMASSZOOM = 0x004977EC;
g_pAdr.ADR_ASMSNIZOOM = 0x00497813;
g_pAdr.ADR_SNIPER2XPX = 0x00BCD4F0;
g_pAdr.ADR_SNIPER1 = 0x004977C8;
g_pAdr.ADR_EXTRAAMMO = 0x0044E55A;
g_pAdr.ADR_EXTRASAMMO = 0x0044E570;
g_pAdr.ADR_FASTAMMO = 0x00BD09BC;
g_pAdr.ADR_FASTHEALTH = 0x00BD09C4;
g_pAdr.ADR_FASTFLAG = 0x00BD09CC;
g_pAdr.ADR_PREMCHAIR1 = 0x005FDC1E;
g_pAdr.ADR_PREMCHAIR2 = 0x005FDC1E;
g_pAdr.ADR_PREMCHAIR3 = 0x005FDC1E;
g_pAdr.ADR_PREMCHAIR4 = 0x005FDC1E;
g_pAdr.ADR_INVISABLE = 0x00******;
g_pAdr.ADR_BANDAGEPX = 0x00BCD4F2;
g_pAdr.ADR_KICKERFAKE = 0x0061BB53;
g_pAdr.ADR_TAKEBASE1 = 0x0058104A;
g_pAdr.ADR_TAKEBASE3 = 0x00581058;
g_pAdr.ADR_TAKEBASE2 = 0x00AEF130;
g_pAdr.ADR_GMWARNING = (0x00C7164C-0x3F0);//
g_pAdr.ADR_VEHICLENFD = 0x00450F90;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOREPAIR = 0x0045267E;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOREPAIR2 = 0x004526B2;
g_pAdr.ADR_AUTOREPAIRSOUND = 0x00452736;
g_pAdr.ADR_SUPERCAR = 0x00452604;
g_pAdr.ADR_SUPERCAR2 = 0x00452636;
g_pAdr.ADR_SUPERCARSOUND = 0x00452662;
g_pAdr.ADR_OMGCAR1 = 0x00458048;
g_pAdr.ADR_OMGCAR2 = 0x00458050;
g_pAdr.ADR_VEH_JUMP1 = 0x004ADED5;
g_pAdr.ADR_VEH_JUMP2 = 0x0085D440;
g_pAdr.ADR_VEH_JUMP3 = 0x0085D440;
g_pAdr.ADR_VEH_JUMP4 = 0x0085D440;
g_pAdr.ADR_USERFIND = (g_pAdr.ADR_BASEPOINTER+0x0009C4);
g_pAdr.ADR_ESCLATOR1 = 0x008BFD37;
g_pAdr.ADR_ESCLATOR2 = 0x008BFE31;
g_pAdr.ADR_FASTAS = 0x005816E3;
g_pAdr.ADR_DAMAGEAS = 0x0058BC2B;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL1 = 0x0056C8A0;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL2 = 0x0056CCE0;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL3 = 0x006244A5;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL4 = 0x0062450F;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL5 = 0x0062421A;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL6 = 0x005FE6D1;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL7 = 0x00624400;
g_pAdr.ADR_ARTILL8 = 0x00624558;
g_pAdr.ADR_MINEVIEW1 = 0x0048F766;
g_pAdr.ADR_MINEVIEW2 = 0x00485C42;
g_pAdr.ADR_ANTIMINES = 0x0063E857;
g_pAdr.ADR_ANTIM14MINE = 0x0063E574;
g_pAdr.ADR_ANTIFLASH = 0x0063E72D;
g_pAdr.ADR_USERMEDIC = 0x00582FE5;
g_pAdr.ADR_USERAMMO = 0x00582EBC;

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Old 06/22/2011, 17:14   #2
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Old 06/22/2011, 17:42   #3

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