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Is Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix PS Vita title?

Discussion on Is Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix PS Vita title? within the User Submitted News forum part of the News & More category.

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Is Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix PS Vita title?

It seems that we are getting closer to releasing a new Assassin's Creed game for the PlayStation Vita. While official confirmation is still missing, the game should be called Rising Phoenix.

Lat weeek, one picture has revealed Assassin's Creed: Rising Phoenix´s title, but the closest association was another AC game for the PlayStation Vita, but Ubisoft did not want to comment on this picture. Because Assassin's Creed is extremely multimedia (contains short web series, books and what else do not...) we did not want to rush and declare Rising Phoenix as PS Vita title.

But instead of us, ​​a Spanish shop done that (which will be nameless, because this could easily be a cheap attempt at self-promotion), putting the game available for pre-order. As expected release date is listed October 10th, which is three weeks earlier than AC4: Black Flag´s release. Of course, Ubisoft did not want to comment on this, and quite by accident, at the same time we get another picture from the Rising Phoenix.

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