idk if it would be a good idea but maybe this site could use a shout box.. to chat to people on the site without having to post in the threads just to say hi.. or to pm just to say hi... just an idea..
1. wrong section
2. this site has more than 390THOUSAND users , just think everyone would spam in this shoutbox, our servers would be overburdend
3. #closed
Shoutbox! 05/24/2009 - Quotes - 20 Replies aha.jpg
ich fands lsutig :D
danach kam noch mit fetter, großer cshrift eine nachricht von Dark:
"Krusty du bist ein abgefucktes Huhn."
Shoutbox? 02/20/2007 - Off Topic - 5 Replies Jo, also ich wäre dafür, dann kann man sich da unterhalten mit denn leutz hier.