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Bulk accounts (win giveaways, knives & more, chat token included)

Discussion on Bulk accounts (win giveaways, knives & more, chat token included) within the Twitch Trading forum part of the Social Media Trading category.

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Bulk accounts (win giveaways, knives & more, chat token included)

Hello everyone, today I am happy to announce the start of my bulk twitch account service on this forum.

Information regarding the accounts and how do they differ from other twitch accounts -

All my accounts are email verified, and have a profile avatar uploaded. What is the purpose of these accounts? I primarily use them to win giveaways. However, they can also be utilized to act as fake chatters on your stream and increase your follower count. My purpose of creating these accounts is to make them look as real as possible (hence I uploaded an avatar on every single account). In addition, all accounts are created through the google chrome browser to be more secure.

These accounts were never used to spam or anything of that sort so they are completely safe and once you receive them it's your responsibility. You will get the accounts in 2 format. The first text file will include id, password and email) the second file will contain the oauth code format so you can plug it directly into a chat bot. If you need help with chat bot I can help with that as well!

Prices: Currently I am only offering the following two packages.

7.5 euros - 50 accounts
15 euros - 100 accounts

Payment methods: I accept PayPal (gift / family and friends option), most gift cards and paysafecard.

Any questions? post them below or add my skype @ nathan.cliqu
Cliqu is offline  

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